Popular/Standard H-Bridges and Motor Drivers

Hey y'all I have a question which I am guessing is an FAQ. What is a popular/standard H-bridge or motor driver for a uni-polar stepper motor? I have a uni-polar stepper that has 5 leads, red for the power and the rest go into the coils (yellow, orange, brown, black) with 7.5 degrees per step (or 48 steps per revolution).

I just finished a lab experiment where we set-up a stepper motor with 4 transistors (TIP 120) darlingtons and was such a pain to wire everything. I'm looking for an h-bridge or a motor driver that can do the job of 4 transistors in one package when I hook up four digital pins to it. I use Arduino Uno if that aids anyone in knowing my situation. Thanks


Although I am not an expert at wiring stepper motors, My understanding is that the standard way to drive unipolar steppers is to use either a ULN2003 or ULN2004 Darlington Array. (The ULN2004 is described in the stepper tutorial: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/MotorKnob)


You can use a Darlington array as suggested, or a dedicated unipolar motor driver like an SLA7026. This device has some extra features like current control, plus it's heatsinked for higher power operation.

The Gadget Shield: accelerometer, RGB LED, IR transmit/receive, light sensor, potentiometers, pushbuttons

This device has some extra features like current control, plus it's heatsinked for higher power operation.

You referring to the SLA7026?

You referring to the SLA7026?



The Quick Shield: breakout all 28 pins to quick-connect terminals

Thanks, I'll check it out