Hey y'all I have a question which I am guessing is an FAQ. What is a popular/standard H-bridge or motor driver for a uni-polar stepper motor? I have a uni-polar stepper that has 5 leads, red for the power and the rest go into the coils (yellow, orange, brown, black) with 7.5 degrees per step (or 48 steps per revolution).
I just finished a lab experiment where we set-up a stepper motor with 4 transistors (TIP 120) darlingtons and was such a pain to wire everything. I'm looking for an h-bridge or a motor driver that can do the job of 4 transistors in one package when I hook up four digital pins to it. I use Arduino Uno if that aids anyone in knowing my situation. Thanks
Although I am not an expert at wiring stepper motors, My understanding is that the standard way to drive unipolar steppers is to use either a ULN2003 or ULN2004 Darlington Array. (The ULN2004 is described in the stepper tutorial: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/MotorKnob)
You can use a Darlington array as suggested, or a dedicated unipolar motor driver like an SLA7026. This device has some extra features like current control, plus it's heatsinked for higher power operation.
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