Port arduino code to esp32

Hello, there is a very useful and interesting code for a synth in arduino. I would like to port it to the esp32 board but I do not have enough knowledge since it uses certain registers or access to ports that are very typical of the arduino board and I would not know what their equivalents are in the esp32 board, maybe someone in the community is interested in the subject and knows how to do it. Thank you all.

// Arduino polyphonic FM sound 
// * 31250 Hz sampling rate
// * 9-bit resolution
// * 4-fold polyphony (4 different tones can play simulatenously)
// * FM-synthesis with time-varying modulation amplitude
// * ADSR envelopes
// * 12 preset instruments
// Through PWM with timer1, sound is generated on pin 9
// instrument-select button on A5
// 18 sound keys on the remaining i/o pins
// by Rolf Oldeman Feb 2019 
// Licence CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/

//instrument definitions          
#define ninstr 12           //   piano xlphn guitar cmbll bell funky vibr metal violin bass trumpt harm
unsigned int ldness[ninstr]  = {   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64,   64}; // loudness   
unsigned int pitch0[ninstr]  = {   12,   12,   12,   12,   24,   24,    0,   12,   24,   12,   12,   24}; // pitch of key0         
unsigned int ADSR_a[ninstr]  = { 4096, 8192, 8192, 8192, 4096,  512,  512, 8192,  128,  128,  256,  256}; // attack parameter  
unsigned int ADSR_d[ninstr]  = {    8,   32,   16,   16,    8,   16,   16,    8,   16,   16,   64,   32}; // decay parameter   
unsigned int ADSR_s[ninstr]  = {    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,  240,  240,  192,  192}; // sustain parameter 
unsigned int ADSR_r[ninstr]  = {   64,  128,   32,   32,   16,   32,   32,   32,   32,   32,   64,   64}; // release parameter 
unsigned int FM_inc[ninstr]  = {  256,  512,  768,  400,  200,   96,  528,  244,  256,  128,   64,  160}; // FM frequency wrt pitch
unsigned int FM_a1[ninstr]  =  {  128,  512,  512, 1024,  512,    0, 1024, 2048,  256,  256,  384,  256}; // FM amplitude start
unsigned int FM_a2[ninstr]  =  {   64,    0,  128,  128,  128,  512,  768,  512,  128,  128,  256,  128}; // FM amplitude end
unsigned int FM_dec[ninstr]  = {   64,  128,  128,  128,   32,  128,  128,  128,  128,  128,   64,   64}; // FM decay

//define the pitch2key mapping
#define keyC4   0
#define keyC4s  1
#define keyD4   2
#define keyD4s  3
#define keyE4   4
#define keyF4   5
#define keyF4s  6
#define keyG4   7
#define keyG4s  8
#define keyA4   9
#define keyA4s 10
#define keyB4  11
#define keyC5  12
#define keyC5s 13
#define keyD5  14
#define keyD5s 15
#define keyE5  16
#define keyF5  17

#define nokey 255
#define instrkey 254

//define the pin to key mapping for 18-key keyboard 
#define pinD0 keyC5    //Arduino pin D0
#define pinD1 keyB4    //Arduino pin D1
#define pinD2 keyA4s   //Arduino pin D2
#define pinD3 keyA4    //Arduino pin D3
#define pinD4 keyG4s   //Arduino pin D4
#define pinD5 keyG4    //Arduino pin D5
#define pinD6 keyF4s   //Arduino pin D6
#define pinD7 keyF4    //Arduino pin D7
#define pinB0 keyE4    //Arduino pin D8
#define pinB1 nokey    //Arduino pin D9  used for audio out
#define pinB2 keyD4s   //Arduino pin D10
#define pinB3 keyD4    //Arduino pin D11 
#define pinB4 keyC4s   //Arduino pin D12
#define pinB5 keyC4    //Arduino pin D13
#define pinB6 nokey    //Arduino pin D14 inexistent
#define pinB7 nokey    //Arduino pin D15 inexistent
#define pinC0 keyC5s   //Arduino pin A0
#define pinC1 keyD5    //Arduino pin A1
#define pinC2 keyD5s   //Arduino pin A2
#define pinC3 keyE5    //Arduino pin A2
#define pinC4 keyF5    //Arduino pin A3
#define pinC5 instrkey //Arduino pin A4
#define pinC6 nokey    //Arduino pin A5 inexistent
#define pinC7 nokey    //Arduino pin A6 inexistent

//set up array with sine values in signed 8-bit numbers 
const float pi = 3.14159265;
char sine[256];
void setsine() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
    sine[i] = (sin(2 * 3.14159265 * (i + 0.5) / 256)) * 128;

//setup frequencies/phase increments, starting at C3=0 to B6. (A4 is defined as 440Hz)
unsigned int tone_inc[48];
void settones() {
  for (byte i=0; i<48; i++){
    tone_inc[i]= 440.0 * pow(2.0, ( (i-21) / 12.0)) * 65536.0 / (16000000.0/512) + 0.5;

byte butstatD=0;
byte butstatB=0;
byte butstatC=0;
byte prevbutstatD=0;
byte prevbutstatB=0;
byte prevbutstatC=0;

byte instr=0;

void setup() {

  //disable all inerrupts to avoid glitches

  //setup the array with sine values

  //setup array with tone frequency phase increments

  //Set a fast PWM signal on TIMER1A, 9-bit resolution, 31250Hz
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
  TCCR1A = 0B10000010; //9-bit fast PWM
  TCCR1B = 0B00001001;

  //setup pins for input with pull-up 
  if(pinD0 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<0);PORTD |=(1<<0);}; 
  if(pinD1 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<1);PORTD |=(1<<1);}; 
  if(pinD2 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<2);PORTD |=(1<<2);}; 
  if(pinD3 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<3);PORTD |=(1<<3);}; 
  if(pinD4 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<4);PORTD |=(1<<4);}; 
  if(pinD5 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<5);PORTD |=(1<<5);}; 
  if(pinD6 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<6);PORTD |=(1<<6);}; 
  if(pinD7 != nokey){DDRD &=~(1<<7);PORTD |=(1<<7);}; 
  if(pinB0 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<0);PORTB |=(1<<0);}; 
  if(pinB1 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<1);PORTB |=(1<<1);}; 
  if(pinB2 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<2);PORTB |=(1<<2);}; 
  if(pinB3 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<3);PORTB |=(1<<3);}; 
  if(pinB4 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<4);PORTB |=(1<<4);}; 
  if(pinB5 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<5);PORTB |=(1<<5);}; 
  if(pinB6 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<6);PORTB |=(1<<6);}; 
  if(pinB7 != nokey){DDRB &=~(1<<7);PORTB |=(1<<7);}; 
  if(pinC0 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<0);PORTC |=(1<<0);}; 
  if(pinC1 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<1);PORTC |=(1<<1);}; 
  if(pinC2 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<2);PORTC |=(1<<2);}; 
  if(pinC3 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<3);PORTC |=(1<<3);}; 
  if(pinC4 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<4);PORTC |=(1<<4);}; 
  if(pinC5 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<5);PORTC |=(1<<5);}; 
  if(pinC6 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<6);PORTC |=(1<<6);}; 
  if(pinC7 != nokey){DDRC &=~(1<<7);PORTC |=(1<<7);}; 
  //store button setting at startup
  butstatD = PIND;
  butstatB = PINB;
  butstatC = PINC;

//initialize the main parameters of the pulse length setting
#define nch 4 //number of channels that can produce sound simultaneously
unsigned int phase[nch]  = {0,0,0,0};
int          inc[nch]    = {0,0,0,0};
byte         amp[nch]    = {0,0,0,0};
unsigned int FMphase[nch]= {0,0,0,0};
unsigned int FMinc[nch]  = {0,0,0,0};
unsigned int FMamp[nch]  = {0,0,0,0};

// main function (forced inline) to update the pulse length
inline void setPWM() __attribute__((always_inline));
inline void setPWM() {

  //wait for the timer to complete loop
  while ((TIFR1 & 0B00000001) == 0);

  //Clear(!) the overflow bit by writing a 1 to it
  TIFR1 |= 0B00000001;

  //increment the phases of the FM
  FMphase[0] += FMinc[0];
  FMphase[1] += FMinc[1];
  FMphase[2] += FMinc[2];
  FMphase[3] += FMinc[3];

  //increment the phases of the note
  phase[0] += inc[0];
  phase[1] += inc[1];
  phase[2] += inc[2];
  phase[3] += inc[3];

  //calculate the output value and set pulse width for timer2
  int val = sine[(phase[0]+sine[FMphase[0]>>8]*FMamp[0]) >> 8] * amp[0];
  val += sine[(phase[1]+sine[FMphase[1]>>8]*FMamp[1]) >> 8] * amp[1];
  val += sine[(phase[2]+sine[FMphase[2]>>8]*FMamp[2]) >> 8] * amp[2];
  val += sine[(phase[3]+sine[FMphase[3]>>8]*FMamp[3]) >> 8] * amp[3];

  //set the pulse length
  OCR1A = val/128 + 256;

//properties of each note played
byte         iADSR[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0}; 
unsigned int envADSR[nch]   = {0, 0, 0, 0}; 
unsigned int ADSRa[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int ADSRd[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int ADSRs[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int ADSRr[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
byte         amp_base[nch]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int inc_base[nch]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int FMa0[nch]      = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int          FMda[nch]      = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int FMinc_base[nch]= {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int FMdec[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int FMexp[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
unsigned int FMval[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
byte         keych[nch]     = {0, 0, 0, 0}; 
unsigned int tch[nch]       = {0, 0, 0, 0}; 

// main loop. Duration of loop is determined by number of setPWM calls
// Each setPWMcall corresponds to 512 cylcles=32mus
// Tloop= 32mus * #setPWM. #setPWM=15 gives Tloop=0.48ms
void loop() {

  //read and interpret input buttons
  prevbutstatD = butstatD;
  prevbutstatB = butstatB;
  prevbutstatC = butstatC;
  butstatD = PIND;
  butstatB = PINB;
  butstatC = PINC;
  byte keypressed = nokey;
  byte keyreleased = nokey;
    if ( pinD0!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<0)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<0)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD0;
    if ( pinD0!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<0)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<0)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD0;
    if ( pinD1!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<1)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<1)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD1;
    if ( pinD1!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<1)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<1)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD1;
    if ( pinD2!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<2)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<2)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD2;
    if ( pinD2!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<2)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<2)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD2;
    if ( pinD3!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<3)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<3)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD3;
    if ( pinD3!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<3)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<3)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD3;
    if ( pinD4!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<4)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<4)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD4;
    if ( pinD4!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<4)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<4)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD4;
    if ( pinD5!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<5)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<5)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD5;
    if ( pinD5!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<5)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<5)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD5;
    if ( pinD6!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<6)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<6)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD6;
    if ( pinD6!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<6)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<6)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD6;
    if ( pinD7!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<7)) == 0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<7)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinD7;
    if ( pinD7!=nokey and (butstatD & (1<<7)) >  0 and (prevbutstatD & (1<<7)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinD7;
    if ( pinB0!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<0)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<0)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB0;
    if ( pinB0!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<0)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<0)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB0;
    if ( pinB1!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<1)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<1)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB1;
    if ( pinB1!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<1)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<1)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB1;
    if ( pinB2!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<2)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<2)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB2;
    if ( pinB2!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<2)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<2)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB2;
    if ( pinB3!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<3)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<3)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB3;
    if ( pinB3!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<3)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<3)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB3;
    if ( pinB4!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<4)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<4)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB4;
    if ( pinB4!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<4)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<4)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB4;
    if ( pinB5!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<5)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<5)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB5;
    if ( pinB5!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<5)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<5)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB5;
    if ( pinB6!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<6)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<6)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB6;
    if ( pinB6!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<6)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<6)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB6;
    if ( pinB7!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<7)) == 0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<7)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinB7;
    if ( pinB7!=nokey and (butstatB & (1<<7)) >  0 and (prevbutstatB & (1<<7)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinB7;
    if ( pinC0!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<0)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<0)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC0;
    if ( pinC0!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<0)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<0)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC0;
    if ( pinC1!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<1)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<1)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC1;
    if ( pinC1!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<1)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<1)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC1;
    if ( pinC2!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<2)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<2)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC2;
    if ( pinC2!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<2)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<2)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC2;
    if ( pinC3!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<3)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<3)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC3;
    if ( pinC3!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<3)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<3)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC3;
    if ( pinC4!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<4)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<4)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC4;
    if ( pinC4!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<4)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<4)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC4;
    if ( pinC5!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<5)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<5)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC5;
    if ( pinC5!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<5)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<5)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC5;
    if ( pinC6!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<6)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<6)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC6;
    if ( pinC6!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<6)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<6)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC6;
    if ( pinC7!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<7)) == 0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<7)) >  0 ) keypressed  = pinC7;
    if ( pinC7!=nokey and (butstatC & (1<<7)) >  0 and (prevbutstatC & (1<<7)) == 0 ) keyreleased = pinC7;
  setPWM(); //#1

  //change instrument if instrument select button is pressed
  if ( keypressed==instrkey) {
    if (instr>=ninstr) instr=0;
  if (keyreleased==instrkey) keyreleased=keyA4;
  setPWM(); //#2

  //find the best channel to start a new note
  byte nextch = 255;
  //first check if the key is still being played
  if (iADSR[0] > 0 and keypressed == keych[0])nextch = 0;
  if (iADSR[1] > 0 and keypressed == keych[1])nextch = 1;
  if (iADSR[2] > 0 and keypressed == keych[2])nextch = 2;
  if (iADSR[3] > 0 and keypressed == keych[3])nextch = 3;
  //then check for an empty channel
  if (nextch == 255) {
    if (iADSR[0] == 0)nextch = 0;
    if (iADSR[1] == 0)nextch = 1;
    if (iADSR[2] == 0)nextch = 2;
    if (iADSR[3] == 0)nextch = 3;
  //otherwise use the channel with the longest playing note
  if (nextch == 255) {
    nextch = 0;
    if (tch[0] > tch[nextch])nextch = 0;
    if (tch[1] > tch[nextch])nextch = 1;
    if (tch[2] > tch[nextch])nextch = 2;
    if (tch[3] > tch[nextch])nextch = 3;

  setPWM(); //#3

  //initiate new note if needed
  if (keypressed != nokey) {
    amp_base[nextch] = ldness[instr];
    inc_base[nextch] = tone_inc[pitch0[instr]+keypressed];
    iADSR[nextch] = 1;
    FMinc_base[nextch] = ((long)inc_base[nextch]*FM_inc[instr])/256;
    FMa0[nextch] = FM_a2[instr];
    FMda[nextch] = FM_a1[instr]-FM_a2[instr];
    keych[nextch] = keypressed;
    tch[nextch] = 0;

  setPWM(); //#4

  //stop a note if the button is released
  if (keyreleased != nokey) {
    if (keych[0] == keyreleased)iADSR[0] = 4;
    if (keych[1] == keyreleased)iADSR[1] = 4;
    if (keych[2] == keyreleased)iADSR[2] = 4;
    if (keych[3] == keyreleased)iADSR[3] = 4;
  setPWM(); //#5

  //update FM decay exponential 
  setPWM(); //#6
  //adjust the ADSR envelopes
  for (byte ich = 0; ich < nch; ich++) {
    if (iADSR[ich] == 4) {
      if (envADSR[ich] <= ADSRr[ich]) {
        envADSR[ich] = 0;
        iADSR[ich] = 0;
      else envADSR[ich] -= ADSRr[ich];
    if (iADSR[ich] == 2) {
      if (envADSR[ich] <= (ADSRs[ich] + ADSRd[ich])) {
        envADSR[ich] = ADSRs[ich];
        iADSR[ich] = 3;
      else envADSR[ich] -= ADSRd[ich];
    if (iADSR[ich] == 1) {
      if ((0xFFFF - envADSR[ich]) <= ADSRa[ich]) {
        envADSR[ich] = 0xFFFF;
        iADSR[ich] = 2;
      else envADSR[ich] += ADSRa[ich];
    setPWM(); //#7-10

  //update the tone for channel 0
  amp[0] = (amp_base[0] * (envADSR[0] >> 8)) >> 8;
  inc[0] = inc_base[0];
  FMamp[0] = FMa0[0] + ((long)FMda[0] * FMexp[0]>>16);
  FMinc[0] = FMinc_base[0];
  setPWM(); //#11

  //update the tone for channel 1
  amp[1] = (amp_base[1] * (envADSR[1] >> 8)) >> 8;
  inc[1] = inc_base[1];
  FMamp[1] = FMa0[1] + ((long)FMda[1] * FMexp[1]>>16);
  FMinc[1] = FMinc_base[1];
  setPWM(); //#12

  //update the tone for channel 2
  amp[2] = (amp_base[2] * (envADSR[2] >> 8)) >> 8;
  inc[2] = inc_base[2];
  FMamp[2] = FMa0[2] + ((long)FMda[2] * FMexp[2]>>16);
  FMinc[2] = FMinc_base[2];
  setPWM(); //#13

  //update the tone for channel 3
  amp[3] = (amp_base[3] * (envADSR[3] >> 8)) >> 8;
  inc[3] = inc_base[3];
  FMamp[3] = FMa0[3] + ((long)FMda[3] * FMexp[3]>>16);
  FMinc[3] = FMinc_base[3];
  setPWM(); //#14

  //update counters

  setPWM(); //#15


Does the ESP32 being used have enough input pins?

To generate PWM use either the LEDC API or the MCPWM API, I prefer the MCPWM API.


Thanks, i will read it.

   Project, use solar cells to generate power

// https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-reference/system/esp_timer.html
///esp_timer_get_time(void) //gets time in uSeconds like Arduino Micros. see above link
//////// http://www.iotsharing.com/2017/09/how-to-use-arduino-esp32-can-interface.html
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp_system.h" //This inclusion configures the peripherals in the ESP system.
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/timers.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
// #include "esp32/ulp.h"
// #include "driver/rtc_io.h"
#include <SimpleKalmanFilter.h>
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include "esp_sleep.h"
#include "driver/mcpwm.h"
const int TaskCore1 = 1;
const int TaskCore0 = 0;
const int TaskStack20K = 20000;
const int Priority3 = 3;
const int Priority4 = 4;
const int SerialDataBits = 115200;
volatile bool EnableTracking = true;
void setup()
  // https://dl.espressif.com/doc/esp-idf/latest/api-reference/peripherals/adc.html
  // set up A:D channels
  log_i( "Setup A:D" );
  adc_power_on( );
  vTaskDelay( 1 );
  // ADC1 channel 0 is GPIO36 (ESP32), GPIO1 (ESP32-S2)
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_0 , ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); // azimuth 0
  //  // ADC1_CHANNEL_3  ADC1 channel 3 is GPIO39 (ESP32)
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_3, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); // azimuth 1
  //  // ADC1 channel 5 is GPIO33
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_5, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); // altitude 1
  //  // ADC1 channel 6 is GPIO34
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_6, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); // altitude 0
  //  // adc for light dark detection, ADC1 channel 7 is GPIO35 (ESP32)
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_7, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11);
  // adc for solar cell voltage detection, ADC1 channel 4 is GPIO33 (ESP32)
  adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_4, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11);
  log_i( "A:D setup complete" );
  // control for relay to supply power to the servos
  pinMode( 5, OUTPUT );
  log_i( "setup MCPWM" );
  mcpwm_gpio_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM1A, GPIO_NUM_4 ); // Azimuth
  mcpwm_gpio_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM0A, GPIO_NUM_12 ); // Altitude servo
  mcpwm_config_t pwm_config = {};
  pwm_config.frequency = 50;    //frequency = 50Hz, i.e. for every servo motor time period should be 20ms
  pwm_config.cmpr_a = 0;    //duty cycle of PWMxA = 0
  pwm_config.cmpr_b = 0;    //duty cycle of PWMxb = 0
  pwm_config.counter_mode = MCPWM_UP_COUNTER;
  pwm_config.duty_mode = MCPWM_DUTY_MODE_0;
  log_i( "MCPWM complete" );
  mcpwm_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM_TIMER_0, &pwm_config);    //Configure PWM0A timer 0 with above settings
  mcpwm_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM_TIMER_1, &pwm_config);    //Configure PWM0A timer 1 with above settings
  //  ////
  fMoveAltitude( 1525 );
  fMoveAzimuth( 1500 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( TrackSun, "TrackSun", TaskStack20K, NULL, Priority3, NULL, TaskCore1 ); // assigned to core
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDaylight, "fDaylight", TaskStack20K, NULL, Priority3, NULL, TaskCore0 ); // assigned to core
  ////  // esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (60000000 * 2) ); // set timer to wake up once a minute 60000000uS * 2

void fDaylight( void * pvParameters )
  int lightLevel = 0;
  log_i( "Start up fDaylight" );
  while (1)
    // sufficent voltage at the solar cells to do the thing?
    log_i( "Solar Cell: %d", adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_4) );
    if (adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_4) > 1600 )
      lightLevel = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7);
      if ( adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7) >= 300 )
        log_i( "Light Level: %d", lightLevel );
        EnableTracking = true;
        digitalWrite( 5, LOW ); // power to relay module/servos
        vTaskDelay( 1 );
      } else {
        // if light level to low park boom
        fMoveAltitude( 1475 );
        fMoveAzimuth( 1900 );
        //     put esp32 into deep sleep
        digitalWrite( 5, HIGH ); // deenergize servo motors
        EnableTracking = false;
        esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (60000000 * 5) ); // set timer to wake up once a minute 60000000uS
    } else {
              digitalWrite( 5, HIGH ); // deenergize servo motors
        EnableTracking = false;
        esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (60000000 * 5) ); // set timer to wake up once a minute 60000000uS
    vTaskDelay( 1000 );
  } // while(1)
} // void fDaylight( void * pvParameters )
   @brief Use this function to calcute pulse width for per degree rotation
   @param  degree_of_rotation the angle in degree to which servo has to rotate
       - calculated pulse width
//static uint32_t servo_per_degree_init(uint32_t degree_of_rotation)
//  const int SERVO_MIN_PULSEWIDTH = 500; //Minimum pulse width in microsecond
//const int SERVO_MAX_PULSEWIDTH 2500 //Maximum pulse width in microsecond
//const int SERVO_MAX_DEGREE 180 //Maximum angle in degree upto which servo can rotate
//  uint32_t cal_pulsewidth = 0;
//  cal_pulsewidth = (SERVO_MIN_PULSEWIDTH + (((SERVO_MAX_PULSEWIDTH - SERVO_MIN_PULSEWIDTH) * (degree_of_rotation)) / (SERVO_MAX_DEGREE)));
//  return cal_pulsewidth;
void mcpwm_gpio_initialize(void)
  mcpwm_gpio_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM1A, GPIO_NUM_4 );
  mcpwm_gpio_init(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM0A, GPIO_NUM_12 );
// void TrackSun( int Altitude, int Azimuth )
void TrackSun( void * pvParameters )
  log_i( "Startup TrackSun" );
  int64_t EndTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  int64_t StartTime = esp_timer_get_time(); //gets time in uSeconds like Arduino Micros
  int Altitude = 1500;
  int Azimuth = 900;
  int maxAltitudeRange = 2144;
  int minAltitudeRange = 900;
  int maxAzimuthRange = 2144;
  int minAzimuthRange = 900;
  float AltitudeThreashold = 10.0f;
  float AzimuthThreashold = 10.0f;
  float kalmanThreshold = 80.0f;
  SimpleKalmanFilter kfAltitude0( AltitudeThreshold, kalmanThreshold, .01 ); // kalman filter Altitude 0
  SimpleKalmanFilter kfAltitude1( AltitudeThreshold, kalmanThreshold, .01 ); // kalman filter Altitude 1
  SimpleKalmanFilter kfAzimuth0( AzimuthThreshold, kalmanThreshold, .01 ); // kalman filter Azimuth 0
  SimpleKalmanFilter kfAzimuth1( AzimuthThreshold, kalmanThreshold, .01 ); // kalman filter Azimuth 1
  float filteredAltitude_0 = 0.0f;
  float filteredAltitude_1 = 0.0f;
  float filteredAzimuth_0 = 0.0f;
  float filteredAzimuth_1 = 0.0f;
  uint64_t AzimuthEndTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  uint64_t AzimuthStartTime = esp_timer_get_time(); //gets time in uSeconds like Arduino Micros,but rolls over after 207 years
  uint64_t AltitudeEndTime = esp_timer_get_time();
  uint64_t AltitudeStartTime = esp_timer_get_time(); //gets time in uSeconds like Arduino Micros,
  int StartupCount = 0;
  int TorqueAmmount = 5;
  while (1)

    if ( EnableTracking )
      AltitudeEndTime = esp_timer_get_time() - AltitudeStartTime; // produce elapsed time for the simpleKalmanFilter
      kfAltitude0.setProcessNoise( float(AltitudeEndTime) / 1000000.0f );
      kfAltitude1.setProcessNoise( float(AltitudeEndTime) / 1000000.0f );
      // Serial.println( AltitudeEndTime,6 );
      filteredAltitude_0 = kfAltitude0.updateEstimate( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_6) );
      filteredAltitude_1 = kfAltitude1.updateEstimate( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_5) );
      //      Serial.print( filteredAltitude_0 );
      //      Serial.print( ", " );
      //      Serial.print( filteredAltitude_1 );
      //      Serial.print( ", " );
      //      Serial.println();
      if ( (filteredAltitude_0 > filteredAltitude_1) && (abs(filteredAltitude_0 - filteredAltitude_1) > AltitudeThreshold))
        Altitude -= TorqueAmmount;
        // log_i( "> Alt %d", Altitude );
        if ( Altitude < minAltitudeRange )
          Altitude = 900;
        fMoveAltitude( Altitude );
        AltitudeStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
      if ( (filteredAltitude_0 < filteredAltitude_1) && (abs(filteredAltitude_0 - filteredAltitude_1) > AltitudeThreshold) )
        Altitude += TorqueAmmount;
        if ( Altitude >= maxAltitudeRange )
          Altitude = 900;
        fMoveAltitude( Altitude );
        // log_i( "< Alt %d", Altitude );
        AltitudeStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
      //// AZIMUTH
      AzimuthEndTime = esp_timer_get_time() - AzimuthStartTime; // produce elasped time for the simpleKalmanFilter
      //      Serial.print( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_3) );
      //      Serial.print( "," );
      //      Serial.print( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0) );
      //      Serial.print( "," );
      kfAzimuth0.setProcessNoise( float(AzimuthEndTime) / 1000000.0f ); //convert time of process to uS, update SimpleKalmanFilter q
      kfAzimuth1.setProcessNoise( float(AzimuthEndTime) / 1000000.0f ); //convert time of process to uS, update SimpleKalmanFilter q
      filteredAzimuth_0 = kfAzimuth0.updateEstimate( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_3) );
      filteredAzimuth_1 = kfAzimuth1.updateEstimate( (float)adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0) );
      //      Serial.print( filteredAzimuth_0 );
      //      Serial.print( ", " );
      //      Serial.print( filteredAzimuth_1 );
      //      Serial.println();
      if ( (filteredAzimuth_0 > filteredAzimuth_1) && (abs(filteredAzimuth_0 - filteredAzimuth_1)) > AzimuthThreashold )
        Azimuth += TorqueAmmount;
        if ( Azimuth >= maxAzimuthRange )
          Azimuth = 900;
        // log_i( "> Az %d", Azimuth );
        fMoveAzimuth( Azimuth );
        AzimuthStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
      //    //
      if ( (filteredAzimuth_0 < filteredAzimuth_1) && (abs(filteredAzimuth_1 - filteredAzimuth_0)) > AzimuthThreashold )
        // log_i( "< Az %d", Azimuth );
        Azimuth -= TorqueAmmount; // make new position to torque to
        if ( (Azimuth >= maxAzimuthRange) || (Azimuth <= minAzimuthRange) )
          Azimuth = 900;
        fMoveAzimuth( Azimuth );
        AzimuthStartTime = esp_timer_get_time();
      } //azmiuth end
      if ( StartupCount < 500 )
      } else {
        TorqueAmmount = 1;
        // esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (60000000 / 30) ); // set timer to wake up
        // esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup( (60000000 / 20) ); // set timer to wake up
        // esp_light_sleep_start();
     vTaskDelay( 65 );
  } // while(1)
} //void TrackSun()
void fMoveAltitude( int MoveTo )
  mcpwm_set_duty_in_us(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM_TIMER_0, MCPWM_OPR_A, MoveTo);
  vTaskDelay( 12 );
void fMoveAzimuth( int MoveTo )
  mcpwm_set_duty_in_us(MCPWM_UNIT_0, MCPWM_TIMER_1, MCPWM_OPR_A, MoveTo);
  vTaskDelay( 12 );
void loop() {}

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