Port selection grayed out

I'm using an Automation Direct P1-AM-100 CPU. I can't send programs to it, it gives me an error message "No device found on COM5". What am I doing wrong?" The port selection is grayed out, despite loading various drivers and trying USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports. Device manager shows no COM ports. I'm on Win11.

I've removed your shouting; # has a special meaning in the forum software so don't use it.

Seems to be an MKR Zero. I'm not familiar with the MKR Zero.

Did it ever work?

If device manager does not see it, the first suspect would be the cable. Make sure that you use a data/sync cable and not a charge-only cable.

If you double tap the reset button, do you get a port in Windows device manager and does the L-LED fade in/out for approximately 8 seconds?

Being brand new to the Arduino forum, I didn't know # was a bad thing. It came along from a copy and paste, I didn't bother to erase it.

I've been able to get the machine I need the control for running with an Arduino Uno, but it has that old fashioned square plug on the end that plugs into the board. The newer P1-AM has the micro USB, so I'm using different cables to try to talk to it. I'd like to use the more industrial P1AM, it would survive better in my machine, which is going to get bumped around.

I didn't know there was a charge only cable and data cable - how do you tell the difference? But that would be a likely suspect. The cable is at least making a power connection, a light comes on when I plug the cable in.

I have never been able to talk to the P1AM. I've tried various cables but I don't know if I have a collection of charging cables or data cables.

Double tapping the reset button makes a "LED" light slowly turn from on to off, not blinking but fading in and out in a 3 second cycle. It looks like it will do it all night. No port shows up in device manager.

Thanks for taking the time to help me out.

Cables that come with phones are data/sync cables. If your phone still has a micro-USB, you can test it with that. You should be able to download e.g. pictures from your phone to the PC.

OK, at least it is not a sketch that you did upload in the past that caused the behaviour.

If Windows device manager does not react on that, it points at a connection issue; it might be bad connections but most of the time it would be the cable.

I might misunderstand what you mean by the 3 second cycle. The fading should be for a duration of approximately 8 seconds total after which it should stop and the loaded sketch takes over. Arduinos (not sure about your P1-AM-100) should come with the blink sketch pre-loaded; it will flash the L-LED one second on / one second off and that it will do for the rest of its life if you did not upload something else.