I made a first pass at making a carrier board for my H7 project, and everything worked (I2C, GPIO, SPI etc) except the ethernet.
I used a different Adam Tech part (MTJ-88TUX1-FSD-VL5-M236Y-HT-TR) which I thought would be compatible, but no connection (times out on Ethernet.begin() function).
I routed the 4 pairs of ethernet wires, the LED connections, as well as the shield and TCT connections.
I had routed all the ethernet connections as differential pairs on a 4 layer board (6 mil trace 5 mil space), but realize now that that may have been inappropriate from an impedance calculation standpoint. All the traces were about 1.7" long, and were matched to length between each pair, as well as each member of the pair (delay and phase tunes added). Could not figure out what is wrong with board (all connections are good on double checking).
I am planning to respin the board using the same connector as on the breakout board ( MTJ-88AX1-FS-TSMT-P-L5-M398AC-WOT-K), just to eliminate as many variables as possible.
Has anyone created a board using this connector? I plan on using jlcpcb again, and for 100 ohms, I am getting 8.68 mil trace width with 8 mil trace space (from the jlcpcb calculator on the 4 layer quote ). I would also keep the copper pour at least 30 mils away.
Any suggestions or comments - hoping to get it right this time?