Portenta webUSB and webSerial?

@pert before I put a feature request on the Arduino MBED Github core I thought I would ask here. Chrome has now fully activated webSerial and webUSB do you know of any examples that work on the Portenta or other MBED boards?

A few years ago people tried some examples but they all seem to be on different boards and most people don't understand the benefits and potential negatives.

Both webSerial and webUSB allow a PC or cell phone to have the browser communicate with an Arduino. For your main Cell phone or PC this opens up some serious security issues, but for an old laptop or old cell phone that has been cleaned of data, both webUSB and webSerial have potential for some interesting Arduino browser collaboration.

Does anyone have any MBED Portenta working code for either webUSB or webSerial. I am most interested in Android browser to and from the Portenta.

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