Although I suspect the answer is "no", would there be any quick and simple way to port that code to an Arduino? (ie One that doesn't require me to go through the whole process of having to relearn what I forgot 20yrs ago.)
It's just an idea, and I can probably learn enough Arduino code for a similar project fairly quickly, but it would be nice to reuse an old project.
Yeah, wrote it in assembly code. (Ah, those were the days when I could even read hex.)
Never mind.
I was supposed to be studying C++ as well. Guess it's time to learn that now.
My memory is that assembly code was also far easier to write. It was wonderful and simple and logical
I think that is probably because when writing assembly language you know that you have to think of every little nuance and you tend to work to a plan rather than making it up as you go along. When writing in higher level languages it seems much easier but you still need to turn on your brain and have a plan in mind.
To compound things further C/C++ let's you write code that compiles but is fatally flawed. Not that I have ever written outside the bounds of an array, of course.....