I'm trying to use Arduino 2.3.2 with an STM32F405 board and I configured it to use these recommended settings, but I can't open the Serial monitor for the board. It can connect to my laptop and even upload code successfully, but I can't access the ports menu and receive Serial output from the board.
Edit: I'm able to get the Ports menu to open back up if I go into the Device manager and add additional ports, but usually my boards use COM3 or COM5, which I cannot access through the ports menu. All of the legacy hardware I install (tried the Arduino USB Serial adapter and the STMicroelectronics Virtual COM port) will only install in ports after 5. I was only able to get it working once, and that was when I was able to connect to COM5, but I don't know what happened to allow access to COM5, and it stopped working as soon as I attempted to upload a different sketch to the board.