Position of a pulley

Hello everyone,
I have a stepper motor, which is used to rotate a pulley (around 25 cm diameter). I need to measure and report the angle of the pulley from a reference position. I cannot put anything in the middle of the pulley, but I have some room near the rim of the pulley. Which sensor is good to measure the angle of this pulley?

Thank you.

One way is to put a magnet on the pulley and use a Hall sensor to detect it. Since you're using a stepper, you can use the Hall sensor to detect a "home" position and use the number of steps to give you position thereafter.

I need to measure and report the angle of the pulley from a reference position.

It seems like you have that reference position already; the angle of rotation now depends on how many steps you had your stepper take. This assuming the stepper is not stalled and misses steps.

QRE1113 plus a dot of white (or black) paint. Sparkfun (among others) has good modules for QRE1113.