positioning sensors (GPS alternatives)

hey peoples, i am wondering what accurate positioning sensor is the best.

my idea is to make a robot to tidy up my brothers lego.
first the robot scans for the lego
then moves towards the lego
and then pushes the lego back to a central point. (need help with this bit)

i was thinking about using a rotary laser level and three light sensors on a servo witch scans for the lazor's origin, a GPS may be to inaccurate for what i want.

is there any other sensors which can do this?

What I'd you used this cheap sr04 sensors to find a location in the room ie the middle to make a pile ? That would be pretty simple?

I would imagine you will need to find a way to triangulate your position ... 2 fixed points of ir perhaps such as LEDs ... And a directional sensor ( tube on a receiver ) with angle measurements of some kind?

The better gps units such as gtpa010 are good to a few feet, might work for a leaf pile though?

GPS sensors usually are unable to give an accurate position in-house. To my knowledge there is no standard way for in-house navigation. Some term to search for: stereo vision, SLAM, marker detection and computer vision as a general term. These techniques are not possible with an Arduino because of the necessary heavy computation.

If you just need to localize one central point and that point is visible from all possible locations you could use a simpler design with some (IR) light at that point and the robot turning around till the sensor "sees" the light, then heading straight towards it. But this isn't very accurate although you could build a tube to limit the opening angle of the sensor.

thanks guys, i will use the infrared light idea. cant wait until the school holidays (4 more days) then i will start on my project
got my Robot Chassis today