Possible IDE 2.0.3 conflict with Roccat Keyboard

I was trying IDE 2.0.3 for the first time, with a cloned Arduino Nano board... and when I set the board, I only saw COM1. I quickly selected it, without thinking that COM1 is not gonna be my port on a windows machine, and that actually meant the board wasn't recognized.

Anyway, from that moment on, my keyboard was randomly flickering (the AIMO Intelligent Lighting was playing up), and I experienced random sticky keys even after closing the IDE.

The only solution was to uninstall v2 and go back using v1.8.

Also, I observed a lot of keyboard input lagging in v2, from code window, search boxes, menus... as much as I like the new version, there must be something very unoptimized about it, that should be investigated.

The sticky keys issue still seems unresolved. And I can't guess what could be the cause, what persistent configuration may have changed to cause this.

I see @derei has created a dedicated topic to request assistance with this problem:

@derei, given that you are still experiencing problems even though you uninstalled Arduino IDE 2.x, do you still believe that there is a conflict between the keyboard and the IDE? The Arduino IDE 2.x symptoms you describe here seem quite similar to the symptoms you describe independent from Arduino IDE 2.x in Is it possible that I caused damage to my Roccat Keyboard?

The symptoms are the same, remaining after I uninstalled Arduino IDE 2.0.3 ... so, I am wondering what else has happened. Hence my post here in general conversations.

Now I am wondering if the attempt of uploading something on COM1 has caused something in the hardware of the keyboard.

At this moment, I uninstalled IDE 2.0.3, I uninstalled Swarm and I turned of the keyboard backlight.
I just turned off the backlight when I started to type in here... and so far, no sticky keys. It happens randomly though, so... it may be luck, or it may have stopped. I'll come back with an update.

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