Post number references may be incorrect following topic merge

Merging threads appears to renumber the posts within the merged thread. This means that any use of the post number e.g. post #12 to refer to another post within the original thread can later be misleading.

I don't now know if was any better before this change: Missing post numbers within a thread - #39 by 6v6gt

I guess one solution would be to always add a label or line within a renumbered post with both the original thread reference and the original post number. That solution would even survive multiple thread merges / splits.

I would say it would be nice to have a solution. Whether it is worth the effort to implement such a solution I cannot say.

But this is caused by the OP doing something against Forum rules.

I can't imagine how it could be otherwise, not renumbering would result in duplicate numbers.

That is correct. All I am saying is that if a post is renumbered, it would be good if the renumbering history was visible (somehow) in the renumbered post.


The current procedure for merging topics:

  1. Merge source topic's posts to the destination topic.
  2. Reply to the destination topic a notification of the moderation action.

Given these hypothetical topics:

  • Topic A

    • Post A1
    • Post A2
  • Topic B

    • Post B1
    • Post B2

Merging Topic B to Topic A with the current procedure results in this:

  • Topic A
    • Post A1
    • Post A2
    • Post B1
    • Post B2
    • Moderation action notification

If the merge procedure steps listed above were reversed, the notification would also serve as a marker for where the merged posts began, resulting in this:

  • Topic A
    • Post A1
    • Post A2
    • Moderation action notification
    • Post B1
    • Post B2

Any thoughts on that adjustment to the procedure? I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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My normal process is to merge the newer topic into the older topic then to add a post to the merged topic indicating that a merge had been done.

I can see no way of dealing with references to post numbers after a merge however it is done

@pert, I do not think that that solves the reported problem of incorrect references to post numbers. If I reply in topic B referring to post #2, it will no longer be post #2.

I don't think there is a simple solution for that.

As @UKHeliBob I append the newest topic to the oldest.

As @sterretje I don't see any solution to the problem other than a tedious and error prone manual editing of all the references.

We could add a note to the "Duplicate topics merged" canned reply warning that posts have been renumbered as a result of the merger


... which is the "current procedure" I described.

If the reader has a marker of which post was post #1 in topic B, then it is possible to convert the references. In my hypothetical example, you would know that you must add 3 (the number of posts in topic A to the topic number references in the topic B posts. So if someone had said "post #1" in post B2, you would know they were referring to post #4 (1 + 3) in the merged topic.

The problem is then about knowing when the need for a conversion ends, since there is no marker of where the merged topic B posts end.

There is the post from the mod pointing out the merger.

Are we talking about a theoretical problem or are we talking about a problem that people have complained about?

It is an actual issue because it can make merged threads more difficult to read. It is also not clean because changes to a post, in this case the post number, are made without an audit trail and the information is lost about which thread the post/replies originally belonged to.

Having said all that, usually the consequences are small and I did question whether it is worth doing anything about. I'm certainly not recommending manual changes to correct any references, at most a system change to add a marker in the merged in/out posts indicating their initial thread names/post numbers.

It was initiated by this thread where the OP appears to have had 2 threads, each discussing a different solution to exactly the same problem. It is still not clear to me which is the OP's first post in the second thread. Post currently numbered #33 seems likely but it appears to be a linked reply to a post in the original thread currently numbered #5 which I can't even see how you do across threads.

if you take as habit to quote the relevant part of the discussion

then you can use the little up arrow to see the full post

or link to the post you refer to (cf Do you like the new forum? - #1994) rather than just its number then possibly that would survive a merge

I merged those.
After the merge I put reply #32 saying that I'd done it, so reply #31 is the last post of the second topic before they were merged. Post #33 is the first reply after they were merged, excluding my reply. The first post of the second topic is very hard to determine! And now I've been looking I think he might have other topics on the same subject that I missed. I need a cup of tea before I investigate!

All merged. A right mess. Sorry about that but it's the best I can do with it.

That is the case with the "current procedure". That is not the case with the adjusted procedure I described in #1986:

In the post structure diagram you see in that quote, the "Moderation action notification" is the same thing as what you have referred to as "post from the mod" in your quote. Note how its position in the thread has been changed from marking the end of the "Topic B" posts to marking the start of the "Topic B" posts.

The wording of the "post from the mod" would be adjusted to reflect this (i.e., "I have merged your topics" -> "I am merging your topics").

I'm not convinced that it really matters. Of course it would be nice if the forum software could square this away, but anything that requires more effort from the moderators seems like it would be more work than it's worth.

I observe that there is a small cadre of regulars that answer questions from folks that have a mayfly like lifetime in the forum. Although the responses to problems posed by those ephemeral posters may be seen by plenty of other readers with related issues, I don't see that any confusion caused by their making multiple posts that must be merged justifies a mechanism to repair the damage done by them.

The adjusted procedure I described would not require any additional effort from the moderators. We would only perform the existing steps in a slightly different order.

But of course that adjusted procedure only provides a slight improvement at best in this situation. Carefully reviewing every affected post for references and editing those posts to account for the new post number would require more effort.

I pretty much agree with that, I think it's a theoretical problem not a problem that has any real impact that anyone has a problem with.

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