Potentiometer Value

Hi, I am wanting to a potentiometer to game I am building. The potentiometer will be used to vary the volume of a buzzer. I am connecting the buzzer to a digital pin on my arduino and I would like to add the potentiometer between that connection. The buzzer is 17 mm in diameter, 72 db, and 4kHz. I am wondering what value I should use for my potentiometer.

Do you have a resistor in series now for current limiting?
I would have one, ~125 ohm, to prevent the output pin from over-currenting into the buzzer.
Then a 1K audio (log) taper pot.

Could I use a 1K trimmer linear pot?

Sure; it may sound like it has limited range where something is happening.

This web page may help explain why an audio taper pot was recommended