Just wondering if one potentiometer can be used to speed control two stepper motors ? Any help much appreciated
Thank you
Just wondering if one potentiometer can be used to speed control two stepper motors ? Any help much appreciated
Thank you
Hello jm91
Welcome to the worldbest Arduino forum ever.
It seems to be a common school assignment.
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Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
Speed should just be a value.
Doesn't matter if you use a fixed value, or if you generate that value with a pot.
That’s great thanks very much Leo. Only wanted to be able to start at a lower speed and then increase rpm so the motors don’t start full rpm straight away.
The AccelStepper library can take care of that for you, if you choose.
You don't need a pot for that.
As @jremington said, use a stepper library and enter acceleration/deceleration values.
The MobaTools stepper library, like AccelStepper, implements acceleration and, in my opinion, is easier to learn and use. MobaTools is available for installation via the IDE library manager.
That’s great thank you so much for replying, also if running two steppers in sync would you need to make the cables the same length regardless of distance needed to keep everything perfectly synchronised ?
Thank you
Unless the difference in cable lengths is in the tens or hundreds of miles there would be no issue.
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