I Have A Arduino Uno, And I Connected it to My Desktop Power supply (13.8V 1-5A) and I Tried to
Control A 5V Fan(I Got it from A Radio Show And its unlabelled) And It Causes A Power Drop
Do I Put A Higher Cap. On the Arduino to Stop the Power Drop?
I Have A Arduino Uno, And I Connected it to My Desktop Power supply (13.8V 1-5A) and I Tried to
Control A 5V Fan(I Got it from A Radio Show And its unlabelled) And It Causes A Power Drop
Do I Put A Higher Cap. On the Arduino to Stop the Power Drop?
Keep external supply voltage below 9 volt (regulated!) if you value your Uno.
Max current draw depends on external supply voltage, and decreases with increased input voltage.
At 13.8volt, total current capability from Arduino pins is about 100mA before the 5volt regulator overheats and shuts down.
You might be able to power your fan from the 5volt pin if you power the Uno with a 5volt cellphone charger connected to the USB socket, but it's generally a bad idea to power motors from/through the Arduino.
Thanks For That
My Power Supply is Supplying 13.8V and 1 to 5A(Depending On the what the Device is Drawing)
Also, I'm powering It from the 5V Pin, Not the Digital/PWM Pins, I Was Controlling Via The Speed Control Wire
Also, I'm powering It from the 5V Pin, Not the Digital/PWM Pins,
We don't know how much current your fan takes, but it's not surprising that the "little" voltage regular built-into to the Arduino can't handle it.
The amount of current you can get out of a linear regulator depends on how much voltage you're dropping across it, and the current through it. With 7V dropped across the regulator, it's dissipating more energy/heat than the fan (which is only operating at 5V). The total heat also depends on the ambient temperature. Those things are usually thermally-limited and if they get too hot they shut-down or go-flaky to keep from burning-out.
Using a typical 404020mm Sunon fan as an example they draw about 0.4 Watt at 5.0 VDC so I would allow about 100 mA just to have a little overhead. Personally I would not power the fan off the Arduino board even though 100 mA isn't much of a load. Matter of fact 40*40mm fans are inexpensive so I would just get a 12 volt fan, common to any PC supply place and use a bi polar transistor like a 2N2222 to turn it On and Off. If you choose to remain with the 5.0 volt fan I would buy a cheap buck converter to get your 5.0 volts and still use a bi polar transistor for the On/Off.
My current estimate is just a guess since I have no clue what you actually have.
A cheap LM2596 buck-converter module is probably the way to power this fan from the 13.8V supply, they can
handle around a couple of amps and are efficient.
Putting 14V into a 5V device is not a sensible course of action for something you shelled out money for!
Its a 5V fan, give it at most 5V.
I Found the Fan After Looking for A While
This Made it Hard to Do as the Person I Got it From Removed The Info Sticker, But I Found the Exact Model;
Brand: ARX
Model Number: FD0540-A1151D
DC 5V 0.27A 40x40x20mm 3-wire 3-pin connector