Power input for arduino

Can i run arduino with input 5V 3A adapter from VIN pin?

And is it safety?

Which Arduino board do you have ?

In general, the answer to your question is no because for the majority of Arduino boards the VIN pin requires more than 7V as the input voltage passes through a voltage regulator on the board

In the case of 5V Arduinos such as the Uno or Nano you can provide 5V directly to one of the 5V pins on the board to power it

I use arduino uno. But my power adapter is 3A. Is it ok if arduino got 3A current?

The adapter can supply upto 3A , but the Arduino will only draw what it needs .
Have a read up on power supplies and ohms law , might help

As @hammy says, the Arduino will only use the current that it requires. When you plug a light bulb into your mains supply at home that could supply tens of amps do you worry that the bulb might take tens of amps ?

Ahhh okay i understand now

So how much current arduino uno needed?

Do you have a DMM? Are there any devices connected to the Uno, powered from it? But, as mentioned above, your 5V supply is not enough. You need at least 7V to Vin.

How do you plan to power the servos and barcode sensor? What power do the servos consume? There are all kinds of servos, from tiny to humongous...

See how you've asked a question that should have been accompanied by a lot more information?

Except that there is a problem with the UNO, Leonardo or Mega 2560 but specifically no problem with the Nano.

There is a possibility that the 5 V supplied to the "5V" pin - which basically is the correct way to power the Arduino - will feed back into the PC's USB port and this may on the odd occasion, damage it. the PC, not the Arduino.

So you should disconnect the 5 V supply form the "5V" pin (but always keep the "ground" connected) whenever you connect the UNO to the PC. Alternatively, you could make a USB cable with the 5 V connection (the red wire) broken, to be used when you have your system powered by 5 V. Of course, the 5 V supply should always be used to power all the other 5 V devices and that is why the ground must always be connected.

And you do need to get a multimeter before proceeding further. A common $5 one will be fine for most Arduino work.

About 40mA.
That is just the Arduino Uno any LEDs and other loads on the pins and 5V pin will add to this.

1. The following schematic (Fig-1) shows that VIN is connected to the input of 5V regulator of the UNO board. The recommended input voltage for this point is 7V-12V (Fig-2). So, operating the UNO with 5V supply is too marginal!



2. Is it safe to connect 5V - 3A adapter/PS?
Probably not safe! There is no protection mechanism in the UNO board to disconnect your adapter for any accidental short circuit on the bread boarded circuit. There is F1 poly-fuse (Fig-1) to protect PC's Power supply when current goes above 500 mA.

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