What is the max A of measurement power which INA226 can handle? Will it work with 5V5A and 12V2A or such power can burn it down? Can't find this info at datasheet.
Do you know a better alternatives to measure A,V,Ah,Wh by Arduino/ESP32?
Can anyone help to make a gerber file for a custom PCB producing with this or similar chip?
Thanks, but I use Arduino as a LEGO constructor of completed modules and my main work are faaaar from the microelectronics and chips design. thus I just don't know this area enough to read schemes etc.
Do you know any better chip for such task?
If I need to measure the USB-device charging via PowerDelivery protocol which uses 4 USB-C power lines - am I must use a 4*INA226 chips? or I can merge them into 1 line for measuring and than split again to 4 lines?