Can I power the Arduino Uno from a 12v cigarette socket?
I have one of these:
Thank you, just ordered this:
Seems ok, but forget about drawing that amount of current through the USB connector of an Uno.
The Uno has a (resettable) 500mA polyfuse inline with the USB socket, so you can't draw any more from any pin combination than that, minus the 50mA the Uno itself uses.
Thank you, I’m looking to power a lot more than just the Arduino, I also want to power a Neopixel setup, I have 3 rows of pixels each row has 62 pixels in it. Any suggestions on how I can ensure there is enough juice to run the Arduino and pixels?
The brightest configuration I will be running could be two rows full intensity red, one row full intensity white.
Almost forgot a SparkFun canbus shield too and a CAN Crocodile.
Apparently there's some variation but I'll assume each LED (3 LEDs per pixel) draws 20 mA.
62 pixels/row * 2 rows * 1 LEDs/pixel * 20 mA/LED = 2.48 A for the red
62 pixels/row * 1 rows * 3 LEDs/pixel * 20 mA/LED = 3.72 A for the white
Total for the LEDs = 6.2 A
Thank you