9V for the Arduino board (which provides the 5V necessary for all the sensors and IC stuff)
12V for an AC relay board (must be alimented separately)
12V for a DC relay board (must be alimented separately)
24V for Cree LEDs (through Buckpuck).
I do not want to buy 4 different sources of power, do you know a device which could provide all that in a single or 2 packages (24V separated since it requires more intensity (I think)) :o
Thank you
The arduino can take 12V threw the Vin pin or the power connector. The on board voltage regulator can handle between 7-12V. So eliminates one power source.
There's something missing here: you say that your AC and DC relay boards must be powered "separately", then ask for suggestions on how to power them out of the same supply. What's the real requirement?
You should be able to power everything with 2 supplies (unless there's a specific reason not to): by putting a series resistor in the range of 10-20 Ohms (depending on the current being drawn) in the path, you can run the Arduino off the 12V supply without overheating the regulator. I.e., you do some of the heat dissipation in the resistor, instead.
You could even run everything off a single AC source by getting a fat 24V supply, and using a DC-DC converter to step that down to 12V, but a separate 12V supply will usually be cheaper because they're made in huge volumes.
if you happen to have a couple of old PC power supplies that would work too. take one 12V line from each and wire them together in series and you'll have your 24V.
I have another question.
I have looked into the 12V power supply, and I am wondering which one I really need. I mean, what the Amp I should choose?
Given that the relay boards which need this power sources are these ones:
What is the current needed for my power source? (3A, more?)
Can I put both relay boards on the same power source? does that change the current needed?
Please help me, I am lost!
The specs on the board don't say how much power the boards draw. It does tell you how much power the relays can handle. The transistors on the one board can handle 3A @ 12VDC and the relays on the other can handle 10A @ 250VAC. I suspect the boards won't need more then a couple of amps to power them. If even that much. They can certainly be on the same PSU. I think a 2A or larger 12V PSU will be all you need.