Power Supply

Hey, i'm sure someone has come across this before but I don't know where to post it and can't find anything in the search.

I have a 5V pro mini, and a 3.3V XBee. I want to power both of these off of a 9V power supply. If i hook everything up without regulating anything the pro mini powers up fine, but the xbee isn't happy with a fluctuating power supply.

How do I create a circuit which splits 5V to the mini and 3.3V to the XBee?


Have a look at the following thread:


but the xbee isn't happy with a fluctuating power supply.

If you gave the xbee 9v I am surprised it still works. people have killed them by just giving them 5V.

The specs say it can take up to 12V on the 'RAW' pin, the mini pro regulates the RAW pin to 5V.

What I thought might work is using the 9V power supply to regulate to 5V and 3.3V in parallel, but I can't seem to work it. My mate suggested a voltage divider.

Will keep plugging along if anyone else has any suggestions. The link above was helpful but not quite what I need I don't think.

My mate suggested a voltage divider.

Don't listen to him he is so wrong.

What I thought might work is using the 9V power supply to regulate to 5V and 3.3V in parallel, but I can't seem to work it

If you want to generate these two voltage rails from a single source then you will need two regulators. You can wire them up so they both take their inputs from the 9V or you can feed the input of the 3V3 regulator from the output of the 5V one.

Hi all.
Someone knows the power absorption range of the duemilanove board?

power absorption range of the duemilanove board

Never come across that term before.

If you mean how much current does a board take then it is about 30mA to 50mA for the basic processor plus what ever you source from the output pins.