Power Supply

Dear Arduino lovers,

I am using Arudino base PLC (Controllino) to power 2 solenoid valves and 1 switch button but facing some unknown for me powering problems. Whenever I am using AC-DC converter power supply my Controllino is not being able to power solenoids and switch but when I use normal lab power supply it is working just perfectly fine.

AC-DC converter max power range is 1.5 A while my system only uses 0.7A at max.

For AC-DC converter I am connecting +V to 24V input to PLC and -V to GND port.
For power supply I am using +V to 24V input to PLC and -V (which is connected to ground as well) to to GND port.

did I do something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Do you have any earth connection anywhere?
The AC-DC converter could in theory be ground referenced, a proper lab power supply is most certainly not. If both are not referenced to anything and have the proper current capability, 24V is 24V and GND=V-.

What does your voltmeter say?

Current is not an issue here. Check the output of your converter first.

Moreover, share link of your device or some datasheet to understand its pinout.

Other parts of the circuit, solenoids/whatever are connected to the same ground as the lab supply. Your inverter is not. The difficulty is that folk do not distinguish between 'ground' and 'earth', and lots of other stuff too.

AC-DC converter max power range is 1.5 A while my system only uses 0.7A at max.

I suspect that your solenoids are drawing more than 0.7A for a short-duration.

Thank you very much for your replies.

Other parts of the circuit, solenoids/whatever are connected to the same ground as the lab supply. Your inverter is not. The difficulty is that folk do not distinguish between 'ground' and 'earth', and lots of other stuff too.

I think this is the point I was looking for, will try to check and change it.
And yea I am not professional on this. :slight_smile: