If necessity is the mother of invention, then laziness is it's dad. Take my latest project for example. At work, I have to push around an overloaded tool cart. It is the home to my main toolbox, hand and power tools, test equipment and the trusty vise. The thing is incredibly handy, I can load it up with tools, parts, etc, and go anywhere in the plant - a true "one stop shop." However, the need for convince has taken a toll on my back. No, I really mean it; this thing is heavy.
There must be a better way.
Observe, the RoboCart:
Ok, it doesn't look that glorious right now, but it is getting pretty cool looking.
The thing is a power wheelchair chassis and drive setup, with a cart strapped to its back.
I will be able to walk behind or stand on this thing and pilot my way around at work, toolbox and all, with just the use of a joystick. But wait, it gets better! With safe operation being such a concern around heavy machinery and people, the thing will have automatic collision avoidance!
Six Sharp IR sensors will scan pretty close to 360 degrees, when analog signal crosses a threshold value, two digital pins will open two relays that in turn open the X and Y pot wipers in the wheelchair joystick. Emergency stop buttons will open a main power contact.
Look at what I have so far:
As you see, It has mostly been mechanical engineering so far, but as with all good cradle to grave projects, sparks are yet to come and magic blue smoke is just about to be released. And I plan on updating you along the way. I have some klunky code to run it now, but plan on revising and sharing what I end up with if anybody is curious.
Here are some pics of the sensors. I am making housings, so they can be smashed, crashed and kicked in the line of duty. Each housing has an led, so i can identify what sensor is past threshold value, a faulty sensor, or pretend that I can observe the scan times.
And some obligatory messy wiring shots.
Keep in mind this is very much incomplete. Much more crafting, wiring, programming, testing and general mayhem to come!