Hello. My question is if I can power 4 servos and an RGB LED strip (consisting of 24 LEDS) with a 3.5A powerbank. The code for this works in this way: I press a button, two servos move, delay, two other servos move, delay, and LEDs light up. When I press it again, LEDs stop glowing, two servos move, and two servos move. The servos only move about 25 degress(first pair) and 60 degrees(second pair) and I only use the blue LED on the RGB strips, while red and green remain turned off. Could I power this type of code with a 3.5A powerbank?
It depends on the unknown servos used and for how long You want it to run before charging.
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You will hardly get an answer because there is a lack of psychics in this forum. You haven't said what the motors are, witch LEDs are, or at least what their current consumption is.
The servos are SG90 Micro Servos, the LEDs are addressable 5V WS2812B and according to what I found online, the LEDs consume 20mA per colored LED on full brightness, meaning 60mA per full RGB LED on max brightness, of which I'm only using 1 (blue) on full brightness while the others are completely unused
It would be nice to post links to the hardware items giving a technical description. I will take a SWAG and say expect some problems as the impedance of your power bank is unknown and you are looking at several amps load. It is rated at about 600mA as I understand it just sitting there. Then there is the LEDs and also the Arduino. You need to sit down and calculate the power and check the specifications to see if your power source is big enough.
This is the powerbank:
And these are the servos:
I'm using an Arduino UNO that will be powered by USB to an 18650 3500mAh battery with a 5V output charging module. The servos and LEDs have a common ground and there's a wire from the GND pin on the arduino connected to it as well, other than that, the only thing going to the Arduino are signal wires from the servos and the led strip.
You need to sit down and calculate the power and check the specifications to see if your power source is big enough. This is the basic part of doing a design as is a schematic which is the language of electronics.
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