Powering MKR1010 from Uno

Hi guys,

I am powering my UNO with a 9V battery.
I have a MKR1010 and I am trying to use the same 9v battery to power both.

Can I run a 5v jumper from the 5v pin of the UNO into the VIN of the MKR1010 and also connect the ground cables? Would that power the board? Or do I need to link the 5v of the UNO with the 5v of the MKR1010?

cheers in advance!

I've never used a MKR1010, but I do have a Wemos D1 Mini powered from the Vin pin on a UNO. The Wemos typically draws 80mA and the Vin pin might supply 1A. I say might because there's no hard spec for the current available on Vin, but there is a series diode rated at 1A between the barrel connector and Vin.

Thanks for the reply. So you connect from vin on the uno to the vin of the Wemos?

I've tried to connect 5v on the uno to 5v on the mkr1010 and also the grounds. The 'on' light is on on the mkr1010 but it is not running the sketch that connects to my wifi. Anyone wanna help a guy out please?