Powering multiple PC fans in parallel

Hi guys, I have a question on you.
I'm now working on a project that requires using a display, multiple buttons (I already had to utilize a resistor ladder for them, because there is not enough pins left), leds, stuff like that. I'm also constrained to an Arduino Nano only due to its size and price. I also want to run 4 12V fans using the arduino. I bought some mosfets (IRLZ34) and I want to control those fans using PWM on the gate of those transistors to somewhat control the rotation speed of the fan blades. But because my project consists of a bunch of other stuff I have to run these 4 fans only via one PWM pin.
So this is the question I want to ask you - is it even possible to do so? Mosfets are voltage-driven, but due to its gate capacity it requires some current to operate, even more if I want to use PWM. So I suppose I need to use a mosfet driver for that, but I never used that stuff before. So.. Is it even possible to run multiple mosfet drivers via only one arduino pin? Even better, can I only use one of those mosfet drivers - lets say its rated for 1.5A - and I know that the fans should draw less than 1A combined once stabilized - but what about the current spikes while turning the fans on/off? I really need to keep the size and cost down and I have no idea which mosfet driver I should use.
Or maybe can I use an arduino to run only one transistor, which would turn on and off all four fans in parallel? Or is it essential to use a dedicated mosfet for every single fan I want to control?
I would be grateful for your advices :slight_smile:

I'm now working on a project that requires using a display, multiple buttons (I already had to utilize a resistor ladder for them, because there is not enough pins left), leds, stuff like that.

Do you know the analogue pins are also just digital pins.
digitalWrite(A0, HIGH); // is valid, assuming you have set the pin to OUTPUT in pinMode.
Exceptions are A6 and A7 on the Nano. They are just analogue pins.

One mosfet should be able to drive four computer fans.