powering two DC motors, ultrasonic sensor, and a buzzer

Hello. For a while now, I have been conducting a robotics project consisting of a robot used to collect trash. The robot's new design uses a DC motor for the robot two drive forward and two ball casters for balance. It also uses a ultrasonic sensor to detect incoming trash. The trash is collected using a mechanism with another DC motor. Both DC motors will be blue-tooth-controlled, and the sensor and buzzer will not be.

the Dc motors Operating voltage: 3V12VDC

My question is, what will be a practical way to power the 2 dc motors, sensor, and buzzer. All help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.

First you need to find the current requirements for each component. Then add the currents up so you know the total current required. Use the stall currents for the motors in your calculation,