Powertip PC1602Q B 2*16 character LCDDisplay Panel

I purchased a Powertip PC1602Q B with 2*16 character Display Panel LCD Module with a Seetronics LCD Serial Backpack
and attempted to connect it to the RoboDruinos Pin2(TX) to read the Data, However this proved to be a challenge itself because all I got was
garbled hyreglyphics. After some research Bruce discovered for some reason the Serial Traffic of all Adruino boards is inverted. Therefore;
a circuit needed to be created to invert the data stream of the Robodruino to make it readable by my LCD panel, Luckily for me my friend Bruce was able to build this circuit for me.
Details of this homemade Robodruino Serial output inverter circuit to enable Seetron LCD to be read, are;
// Very basic ciruit diagram
+5Volts------------------------------<- ---------------------------------<--------------------------------
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +5Volt | | +5Volts Pin
| | | | |
| | | | |
| {(Emitter)}-----| | |
| / | |
| / [10kohm] | |
[LCD]-[BackPack-Serial in Pin] {BC559Transistor-(Base)}-<[Resistor]-[PrototypeSheild]<[TxPin2]-<-[Robodruino]
| | \ | |
| |-[4k7ohm Resistor]----{(Collector)} | |
| | | |
| [1kohm] | |
| [Resistor] | Ground Pin
| | | |
Ground | | |
|-----------------------------------------|--------\ | |
//This consists of 1(BC559)Transistor, 1x 4k7 , 1x 1k and 10k Resistors, circuit

Sorry for the bottom line of diagram not lining up, I have tried everything but site width restrictions stop me aliging this properlly, any suggestions I would apreciate, have tried copy for Forum and copy as HTML everything I try throws alignment out.

I am now able to write Serial sensor output values to the attached LCD and read the data perfectly. Thanks again Bruce.
This is still a work in progress and I am still experimenting. Any contructive criticisms about this idea, I would
appreciate as I am still learning about electronics, programming, robotics and arduino best practises.
If anybody is interested I can show photos of the circuit on my prototype back pack working with the LCD in serial.


Here is a photo of the circuit working on 3 URM32 sensors.