PPM to SBUS conversion

I have a JHEMCU NOXE F4 v3 flight controller which takes SBUS or IBUS input.
I have a DIY rf receiver module which gives 6PWM and PPM output.
How can I convert my signal from PWM/PPM to SBUS?

"PWM/PPM to SBUS" converters exist, for example SBUS/PPM/PWM Converter | RC Factory

Do you need features that the commercial offerings don't provide?

Yeah I have seen it. But I have the ppm in my receiver, if I can perform the transformation operation in my receiver esp32 board, then I can put it to another pin and dont need this extra module. Also there are plenty of pin laying idle in the board.

There is lots of Arduino SBus information on the web, including libraries.
Have you attempted to write any code, or are you looking for someone to write the code for you?

I have tried several solutions, but none of them worked for me. Thats why i posted if anyone have implemented it successfully

So if I understand you correctly you built a DIY receiver, so you have the channel values available in your DIY code in your receiver. In that case you would only need to generate the SBUS signal and don't need to convert anything.
I used this SBUS generator in the past to take 4 PWM channels and translate that to SBUS

I was looking for kind of this.

Let me try and confirm

void loop() {
  //uint32_t currentMillis = millis();

     Here you can modify values of rcChannels while keeping it in 1000:2000 range

    // if (currentMillis > sbusTime) {
  if (millis() - sbusTime >= SBUS_UPDATE_RATE) {
    sbusPreparePacket(sbusPacket, rcChannels, false, false);
    Serial.write(sbusPacket, SBUS_PACKET_LENGTH);

    // sbusTime = currentMillis + SBUS_UPDATE_RATE;
    sbusTime = millis();

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