Hopefully someone can help me as I'm a complete Noob regarding programming, but really want to learn.
I've developed a helium blimp which is controlled by an arduino nano. the aim of it to be a STEM ebgineering aerospace olympics project for students to pre-program it to complete a salom course in the fastest time.
This was really easy to do by just switching on the motors via a IRLB8721 but it requires having the blimp weighted perfectly. (2 motors for fwd thrust, yaw)
I really want to use the sr04 ultrasound so that the students have to utilize altitude to complete the course(high jump), but I've followed tutorials and have got the ultrasound to turn on the altitude motor at various heights but I really dont know how to combine the 2 simple programs? could I get some guidance as how to elegantly program it please.
so the theory goes that the blimp has to maintain a height of say 1.5 metres whilst moving forward( the students experiment to turn motors on/off after x amount of seconds) but after say 5 metres (x amount of seconds in my code depending on the speed the student has set)) the altitude has to increase to 3 metres(high jump). Is this possible?
Thanks in advance