void setup() {
Keyboard.begin(); //Start the keyboard simulation
void loop() {
Look at this, i want that "B" be press every 3 seconds, but it gets pressed every 8 seconds, because "B" has to wait 5 seconds that "A" be pressed.
I want that "A" be press every 5 seconds and "B" every 3 seconds, separated.
So, get rid of the delays.
Look at the blink without delay example for clues.
What has this got to do with installation of the IDE?
Look at this
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What is the greatest common factor of 3 and 5? It's 1. So make your delay one second and
if A >= 5
A = 0
send key A
if B >= 3
B = 0
send key B
delay 1 second
Spice and flavour to suit...
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Thank you Perry,
i edit and post the entire sketch.
I cant get rid of the delays because i need them.
I need some key be press every couting time, but i need those keys respect those times.
But without code tags. That is why you need to actually read what you are asked to read.
January 20, 2023, 9:55pm
You didn't understand.
You need to get rid of not delays as "time intervals", but the delay() operators.
This is a blocking statement, it stops all other processes in the controller. As long as you use it in the program, you will not be able to get independent execution of two sequences
Um, not quite. OP can only get into trouble if additional tasks must run more than once per second, with my pseudocode.
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January 20, 2023, 10:00pm
This is not a general solution, but a particular one
It's someones first day at the keyboard. Let's let them go one step at a time.
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void loop() {
static unsigned long lastATime = 0;
if (millis() - lastATime >= 5000)
lastATime += 5000;
//next target
static unsigned long lastBTime = 0;
if (millis() - lastBTime >= 3000)
lastBTime += 3000;
January 21, 2023, 12:52am
Might want to increment A & B each loop... ?
Man, you gave it away. I wasn't going to reveal that until the end. Notice I also didn't release the keys.
Do you ever wonder, hey, what did the OP finally do? ?
Kind of like, goodbye, and thanks for all the fish.
July 20, 2023, 1:36pm
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