I'm planning a new project which schematic you can see on the attached picture.
The idea is quite simple:
~10-12 pieces of pressure sensors wired to a NANO which collects the data
In the starting version the NANO writes the data on an SD card and that's it.
Second version, the NANO streams the collected data to a rapsberry Pi which is not so far (~6-7 meters) and the Rasperry visualizes it on a display (~) realtime.
I already have some questions but I would appriciate if you who have more experience in the subject can give me hints about the project.
I'm just a newbie so maybe I'm wrong but in this case I won't need
high speed (I haven't calculated anything and I don't know it from guts but I feel that BT is perfectly enough for this amount of data)
high security (the system will be operated only by me and I won't leave it alone and nothing happens if somebody ruins a measurement session)
high range (maximum 10 meters is more than enough - might it be challenging with these simple BT modules like HC-05?)
So for the first version I would choose a simple BT communication (that will be challenging enogh :D:D ).
What do you think?
Yesterday I've found an ADS1115 16 bit ADC I2C compatible module what I've ordered a year ago accidentally so it came to my mind that 4 of this can handle 16 analog sensors and can communicate with the NANO on I2C. Maybe that's another doable way but as far I could find only I2C pressure sensors.