Pressure Regulator for Uno r4 Wifi

Hello Im trying to come up with a pressure regulator using the PWM pins and a solenoid to regulate pressure for a waste oil burner I am using. I found a boost controller code I modified to hopefully work. The project is still in the early stages and I am not great with code. The code I borrowed is for a rev 1 Uno and I am using a r4 WiFi. Code below. I get an error which is also marked below when verifying the code im assuming it is from the differences in boards. Would I need to come up with a different code all together or is there another way to achieve the frequency change while still using this code? I'm not familiar with how to use the pwm to change the pulse of the solenoid to regulate pressure. Thanks in advance for taking time to help.

#include <PID_v1.h>

double Setpoint,Input,Output;
const int analogIn = A3; 
const int setpointIn = A4;
float scaledSP;
float scaledPV;
float scaledOut;

PID myPID(&Input,&Output,&Setpoint,7,1,0,DIRECT);

void setup(){
  //set pwm frequency to 30.64hz
  TCCR1B = TCCR1B & B11111000|B00000101; //Error when verifying

void loop(){

That line is specific to the older style UNO. To work on the R4 you'll have to completely redo this. It works completely differently when it comes to timers.

There isn't a simple "change that line to this" that will fix it.

Check out this thread: