Pressure sensor delays


Is there a delay to pressure sensors readout or is the readout immediate. For instance, are you able to make the arduino board calculate decisions based on a sensors's output immediately or is there a lag involved?

Which sensor are you using ?

An Arduino Uno runs at 16Mhz and probably does one instruction per clock cycle. If the clock has a 50% duty cycle then 1/2 the time the Uno will not be doing anything. Thus, the output or response of the Uno has a lag.

Then if the sensor is in a I2C bus it takes several clock cycles to ask the sensor for info and then receive the info from the sensor and then there is the time required for the program to process the data and send it to an end destination. More lag.

If the sensor is on the SPI bus the data comes a little faster than I2C but there is still a lag and it still takes clock cycles to transfer and process the data

What pressure are you measuring?

What is the response time of your sensor? How is it connected to your Arduino - digital communication (serial, I2C,SPI), analog input? If digital, how often is the information updated?
And, what is your code doing? Reading and processing a bunch of stuff, or in a dedicated loop for this one device?
The following will help you get better answers:

Hi everybody, thanks for all the input. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and am thinking about avoiding using an arduino board for its inherent lag and use a pressure sensor like this (Pa600-USB-FQ) that includes a start acquisition system (DSCUSB-FQ). Hopefully I can get near real time results from it though not 100% sure:

Huh? What? News to me...

Ya, confused me, too. Delay()? Who knows.

Hi Idahowalker, I realize there are a lot of moving parts but how many milliseconds would you guess the arduino board would delay everything? More than 5 milliseconds?

A few microseconds.

Not answered. Not participatory. If you want the help and opinions of others, you need to engage when they ask questions.

A link to the sensor was provided which provides this information

Was more interested in you demonstrating an understanding of the needs of your process, but my time to participate has passed. Others will help you.

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You have the sensor data sheet so presumably you know how long the device takes to make a sensor reading, but without seeing your code it is impossible to know how long it will take to make e reading in total

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