Does anyone here know any information regarding the MD-PS002 pressure sensor? or even ever used it? I really need help with the results of converting the sensor voltage output into PSI units
please help, thank you
This is a bare sensor element, without any built-in electronics.
You need to process sensor output with an instrumentation amp and A/D.
The HX711 is commonly used for that.
Type "MD-PS002 pressure sensor" in the search field on top of this page.
Thank you for the information you provided, I have carried out a similar simulation using 3 pressure hoses, where hose 1 is to connect the sensor, hose 2 is to provide pressure via a pump, hose 3 is to measure the pressure produced using a PSI pressure gauge, but the output The voltage produced is not constant and unstable even though I have made the mounting and glued it firmly so that there is no pressure leak.
A big part of that is what is called lead dress. These wire things are also great antennas and at the voltage levels you are working at fits in with the electronics noise level.
Post a picture of your setup.
we use hoses to connect the 3 component that'll be use for calibration.
purple for the sensors then you can see the battery port & multimeter for checking the mV output, red for the air pump to give the sensors some pressure, and green for the tire pressure gauge to know the PSI of the pressure which have been given from the air pump
From what I can see from your picture it will not work. Where does the sensor get power? Post an annotated schematic showing exactly how this is wired?
You probably have pressure leaks. The photo does not inspire confidence in your attempt to seal the connections.
can you see that black square near multimeter at the purple circle? that is battery port for power supply. i removed the battery to prevent it from running out quickly.
we've already tried this kind of way using 3 hoses for calibration and it somehow shows constant mV output, different from the previous post which i said the voltage produced is not constant and unstable. but when we give air from the pump to raise PSI level, mV output stay the same and not moving. from the information we had, its because the sensors is broken. is the sensors broken because of our way to calibration is totally wrong? and i can assure that theres no pressure leaks.
and from your previous answer, would you please explain to me what is exactly the meaning of lead dress?
thank you so much for your help.
thank you for your concern but i can totally assure you that theres no pressure leaks. i tried different way to prevent the leaks and this actually work.
That pertains to how the wires are laid out. They can be short as needed neatly arranged or they can be like a pile spaghetti with leads much longer then needed.
and about this one,
we've already tried this kind of way using 3 hoses for calibration and it somehow shows constant mV output, different from the previous post which i said the voltage produced is not constant and unstable. but when we give air from the pump to raise PSI level, mV output stay the same and not moving. from the information we had, its because the sensors is broken. is the sensors broken because of our way to calibration is totally wrong? and i can assure that theres no pressure leaks.
do you have any comment?
It probably is not. Without an annotated schematic I cannot help you. Leaks are not important if you can build pressure.
Did you connect +IN to battery(+), both -INs to battery(-), and measure between +OUT and -OUT. You should measure less than 20mV static, and a few mV higher or lower with pressure.
I've done the wiring properly, I used the HX711 module to strengthen the reading results from the MD-PS002 but the results still don't match
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