pressure sensor

so i have three pressure sensors where all three need to be "true" for the servos to activate do i need each to be in its own assigned pin or can there be a common wire

Define "true" for a pressure sensor (whatever that may be)

so as each pressure sensor is "true" nothing will happen until all three are activated

I think you missed the point of my post.

What is "a pressure sensor?" and "in relation to said pressure sensor, what defines "true"?"

ok so i am making a gauntlet type project with an auto tighten option where three pressure sensores have to be active before it tightens

a pressure sensor measure the pressure of air or from a liquid.
Do you mean a push-switch/button?
Or do you mean that the airpressure is above a certain level?

Maybe you should tell us about the whole project, what you are trying to accomplish...

what is this


Force sensitive resistor. The resistance value depends on the applied force.

ok please excuse my unclarity of force vs. pressure so i have three force sensors and need to knowmif each of them need their own pin

That depends on how you intend to read them. Google "arduino force sensitive resistor" for suggestions.

Wire this up:
Then, run this code:

const int S1=A0;
const int S2=A1;
const int S3=A2;
void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial.print("Sensor 1: ");
  Serial.print(" Sensor 2: ");
  Serial.print(" Sensor 3: ");

Finally, upload the code and open the Serial Monitor. Press down on a sensor with the same force that will trigger it. Then, tell us the value when you're pressing down on it and when you're not.

Ok this is excellent, i was thinking can I write an equation that will take in account of the three force sensors, and only use one pin

What resistors are used

100K resistors.

Ok trip to radio shack i am going to add some things to this, i guess the battery charger, battery and battery meter

For the charger i am thinking bolts as i need to attach it to something

Ok that proved useless, i need small screws

So aside from radio shack being useless, do i need a resistor to the battery meter


is that why it is not working the ka2284 needs a resistor