Print WiFi module MAC address

Hey together.

I use an Arduino Nano ESP32 and the Arduino IDE 2.3.2.

I'm currently talking to our IT department to connect to our internal WiFi and I need to tell them the MAC address of my Nano.

So is it possible at all to print the MAC address without a connection? Because I tried different example codes, but really none worked.. or am I just doing something wrong?

Thank you!

read this information on ESP32 Mac addresses. (note that the MAC address differs depending on wether you are a station or an access point).

and try this

#include "esp_mac.h"

void setup() {

  uint8_t mac[6] = {0};
  esp_err_t ret = ESP_OK;


  ret = esp_read_mac(mac, ESP_MAC_EFUSE_FACTORY);
  if (ret != ESP_OK) {
    Serial.printf("Failed to get base MAC address from EFUSE BLK0. (%s)", esp_err_to_name(ret));
  } else {
    Serial.printf("MAC Address: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);

void loop() {}

I get an error that ESP_MAC_EFUSE_FACTORY is not defined

OK that's code for the ESP32, I don't have a "Nano ESP32" so I'm not sure how you get access to the ESP32 features / APIs

No worries! I'll use the Nano ESP32 as Station. FYI.

can you try to add #include <WiFi.h> at the start of the code ?

Compilation error: 'ESP_MAC_EFUSE_FACTORY' was not declared in this scope

#include "esp_mac.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WiFi.h"
uint8_t mac[8];
uint8_t cam[6];

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Method esp_efuse_mac_get_default
  Serial.printf("esp_efuse_mac_get_default MAC Address: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  // Method 1
  Serial.printf("Method 1 MAC Address: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", cam[0], cam[1], cam[2], cam[3], cam[4], cam[5]);
  // Method 2
	Serial.printf("Method 2 MAC Address: %s\n", WiFi.macAddress().c_str());

Used this now

found this