I am using Arduino 101 board, using Arduino IDE version 1.6.12 with Intel Curie board version 1.0.7.
I am trying to compile one of the examples for the nRF24L01 module which uses "printf" function. It seems "printf" is not supported by the Arduino 101 standard libc. How do I add such support?
Can you add a character buffer of your own to your Sketch and edit the code you wish to incorporate to use sprintf() instead? I tend to use sprintf() in all my code as a habit.
// Experimental support for printf in RawSerial. No Stream inheritance
// means we can't call printf() directly, so we use sprintf() instead.
// We only call malloc() for the sprintf() buffer if the buffer
// length is above a certain threshold, otherwise we use just the stack.
int RawSerial::printf(const char *format, ...) {