printing from arduino

i am a complete newbee on arduino and i would like to ask for help for printing serial from the arduino with an epson receipe printer. I would like to use the arduino kind of "standalone" connected directly to the printer.

the printer itself is ESC/P compatible andIi know the wire-ing of its serial port.

any help appreciate

Thanks in advance

Ii know the wire-ing of its serial port.

Do you know the voltage of the serial signals, that is :- is it TTL or RS232 voltages. If the latter you will have to boost the Arduino's serial output with something like a MAX232 chip. After that it's plain sailing, just set up the appropriate baud rate and send the data using serialPrint().

Thank you so much

as I didn´t find anything about Rs232 and just somthing about TTL I would suppose it is TTL.

where can I find the wire-ing Specs of the serial port of arduino


There's a lot of interest in the small Epson and Citizen thermal printers used with cash registers and the like. They call them "microprinters", and they have a Wiki:

I think you'll find schematics and sketch code there.

Yes thank you, but unfortunally they are all taling about other types of printers. mine is a epson TM-U220 which is using ttl serial. can anyone tell me or even better show how to wire from the arduino´s outputs to the serial plug?C:\Users\MarkusB\Documents\PrintScreen Files\TM-220serialConn.jpg

that printer is RS232 not TTL! look at Tm-U220 Series Datasheet | PDF | Printer (Computing) | Computer Engineering first page on the right under "interfaces" i found that datasheet by typing "TM-U220 datasheet" in to google!

look at page 17 on MAXIM - Dallas Semiconductor MAX220-MAX249 datasheet pdf

never used a max 232 before but i would try wiring pin11 (t1) on max232 to tx (pin 1) on the arduino and pin12 (r1) on max232 to pin0 (Rx) on arduino.

you can find out about wiring the chip to a db9 serial connector on RS-232 - Wikipedia

datasheets are your friends!

thank you phill, you are right.and I agree with the friendship to Datasheets, but somtimes one gets lost between all the pages.

I will have a look. thank you again, you saved a lot of my time.


I just wanted to say thank you to all helpers. It works fine and it was not that hard i thought it might be.


Glad to hear that it works! Do you have any photos or video that we could see?

yes, but it will take some time to gather everything together. where does it make sense to put the documentation of the project?
