Printing string on second iteration returns garbage.

Hello my Arduino brothers and sisters.

I'm having a problem with code I'm writing for a project.
I'm looking for a gain value to be printed with a "#" in front of it. The "#" is being used as a filtering point in another program.The first iteration of the code works fine but when the case (case'1') is called upon again it returns garbage.

Please find attached a copy of my code, the lines of interest are:
132 to 154 - the PrintGain function.
and 333 where the function is called upon.

Below is the readout from the serial monitor:
The break points are probes in the code to find errors and the print after break point 6 "#10889" is the desired output.

--- Commands: ---
1 -> Full Range Scan
2 -> Band Scan
3 -> Tare
? -> Help
You have selected Full Scan
Returning to high point
Break point 1

Break point 2
Break point 3

Break point 4
Break point 5
Break point 6
0, 30
1, 35
2, 38
3, 40
4, 41
5, 42
6, 42
7, 42
8, 42
9, 42
Would you like to perform a background scan?.
Please send one of the following in Write Buffer

  1. For background Scan.
  2. To return to main menu.
    --- Commands: ---
    1 -> Full Range Scan
    2 -> Band Scan
    3 -> Tare
    ? -> Help
    You have selected Full Scan
    Returning to high point
    Break point 1
    It returns garbage here*

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Final_ish_Bug.ino (21.6 KB)

Plausible would be that GainVal is out of range, so rubbish is returned from the array Gains. Add a debug statement here so you see what its value is.:

PrintGain (int GainVal) {

   Serial.println("Break point 0");
   . . .

Hey 6v6gt,

Thanks for the response, I've tried what you're suggested and Gains array and GainVal are both returning sensible values on the second iteration.

OK. I assumed that because it did not get as far as printing "Break point 2", the problem was in the preceding statements.
char buff[5] is too small to hold the largest number (in this case 10889) including the end of string marker '\0'.

I'd also change:

char buff[6];


char buff[6] = {0} ;

Maybe also:

GainPrint = dtostrf(Gain, 4, 0, buff);


GainPrint = String(  dtostrf(Gain, 4, 0, buff) ) ;

If all that does not work, start commenting out statements until you find which one is printing the rubbish.

Your code:

void PrintGain (int GainVal)
  Serial.println("Break point 1");
  char buff[5];
  int Gain = 0;
  String GainPrint = "";
  Gain = Gains[GainVal];
  Serial.println("Break point 2");
  GainPrint = dtostrf(Gain, 4, 0, buff);
  Serial.println("Break point 3");
  String SendStr = "#";
  Serial.println("Break point 4");
  SendStr += String(GainPrint);
  Serial.println("Break point 5");
  SendStr += "\r\n";
  Serial.println("Break point 6");

6v6gt, thank you so much!

The problem was as you said: char buff[5]

I changed it to char buff[6].

I had also made a similar mistake in another section of code and changing it to accommodate the end of string maker freed up my whole code.

Thanks again and have a great day!

