Hi All,
I had code up and running on a Nano with just one button to test interrupts and turning power off to an Xbee explorer board to extend battery life. I use the output from a pin to toggle the state of a 2N3904 as a switch with the collector connected to the ground pin of the explorer board.
I would love a pair of "fresh" eyes on this code, I can't figure out why it no longer works when trying to adapt it for a Pro Micro instead of the Nano I was using. The Pro Micro as more interrupts so I can monitor 3 buttons for a button press. Any one that is pressed triggers the same routine to power up the Xbee board.
On the Nano I was using SoftwareSerial and created a "mySerial" instance and used mySerial.write('L') when light was to be on. On the Micro, I want to use the actual RX - TX pins, so my understanding is that it is pointless to create a Software Serial instance to end up using the actual hardware pins. I also read that I should use Serial1.... because Serial is for the USB port.
Thanks in advance for the help.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
// Declare pin numbers for feedback LEDs 1 thru 4
const int LED1_pin = 10;
const int LED2_pin = 16;
const int LED3_pin = 14;
const int LED4_pin = 15;
// Declare pin numbers for bell and light buttons and power
const int BTN_Bell = 7;
const int BTN_Light_ON = 2;
const int BTN_Light_OFF = 3;
const int Xbee_Pwr_Toggle = A1;
int BTN_Light_state = HIGH;
int BTN_Bell_state = HIGH;
int previousBTN_Bell_state = LOW;
void setup()
pinMode(LED1_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED3_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED4_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Xbee_Pwr_Toggle, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BTN_Bell, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(BTN_Light_ON, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Open Serial com ports to send data via Xbee board,
// rate matches your XBee setting (9600 is default).
void loop()
// button send portion to remote units
// on button press turn remote light (relay) on or off
BTN_Light_state = digitalRead(BTN_Light_ON);
if (BTN_Light_state == LOW) {
delay(50); // pause to give it time to wake up
Serial1.write('L'); // light btn is pressed
delay(275); // long delay to wait out the bounce
BTN_Light_state = digitalRead(BTN_Light_OFF);
if (BTN_Light_state == LOW) {
delay(50); // pause to give it time to wake up
Serial1.write('Z'); // light btn is pressed
delay(275); // long delay to wait out the bounce
BTN_Bell_state = digitalRead(BTN_Bell);
if (BTN_Bell_state != previousBTN_Bell_state) {
delay(10); // pause to give it time to wake up
if (BTN_Bell_state == LOW) {
Serial1.write('B'); // bell btn is pressed
else {
Serial1.write('O'); // bell btn is released
previousBTN_Bell_state = BTN_Bell_state;
// feedback section from remote units - who got the message ?
// turn corresponding LED on or off to know that remote light is on or off
if (Serial1.available() > 0) {
char Msg = Serial1.read();
switch (Msg) {
case '1': // If received '1' station 1 at OFF
digitalWrite(LED1_pin, LOW);
case '2': // If received '2' station 2 at OFF
digitalWrite(LED2_pin, LOW);
case '3': // If received '3' station 3 at OFF
digitalWrite(LED3_pin, LOW);
case '4': // If received '4' station 4 at OFF
digitalWrite(LED4_pin, LOW);
case '5': // If received '5' station 1 at ON
digitalWrite(LED1_pin, HIGH);
case '6': // If received '6' station 2 at ON
digitalWrite(LED2_pin, HIGH);
case '7': // If received '7' station 3 at ON
digitalWrite(LED3_pin, HIGH);
case '8': // If received '8' station 4 at ON
digitalWrite(LED4_pin, HIGH);
void sleepNow()
digitalWrite(Xbee_Pwr_Toggle, LOW);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BTN_Light_ON), wakeUp, LOW);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BTN_Light_OFF), wakeUp, LOW);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BTN_Bell), wakeUp, LOW);
void wakeUp()
digitalWrite(Xbee_Pwr_Toggle, HIGH);