I'm using A0 and A1 to read switches. Took me forever to figure out that in this particular Pro Mini clone, the instructions
do not provide a pullup. I haven't tried digitalWrite(A0, HIGH), but I assume it wouldn't work, either.
I'm reading A0 and A1 with the following line:
keys1 = (~PINB & 0x1C) | (~PINC & 0x03) ;
where A0 and A1 are bits 0 and 1 on PORTC. Now that I've put external pullup resistors on the two pins, the port read operation works fine.
Is there something I'm missing about analog pullups? I realize that some of the clones have problems, but I'm also under the impression that the microprocessors on the clones are all Atmel (Microchip Technology) Atmega328P quality chips. Am I wrong about this? I don't see the Pro Mini listed in the Arduino wiki.