Probably The Best Arduino Robot Kit I've Seen

Nifty little robot I've found looks to be a bit more powerful than I expected. What do you guys recommend for a good Arduino toy?

There's nothing quite like building your very own, you can get similar parts, very cheap,! It's more fun and a challenge, so you make a few mistakes, and we all do, but that's the only way to really learn. Anyone can put a pre-assembeled kit together, it's like flat pack furniture easy, too easy..Boring. And it's a lot less then $200.

You don't learn if someone's doing half the job for you. Take a look here at my early bots: Now I'm in to tracked things with wheel encoders, speed control, etc..



I have to agree with the previous post that using a pre-assembled kit is a bit like riding a bike with training wheels. You would be better off learning from the ground up by breadboarding ATtiny85 and ATmega328 circuits while using an UNO as you BASE uC.
Learn the basics of SPI, I2C , sensors, leds, lcds, I2C LCDs, 7-segment LEDS, motor drivers (L293, A4988) etc. etc. etc.

Kind of like getting into 3D printing.

Do you have to build your own to get the experience of it or just buy one already assembled and start printing .

As they say different strokes.

Similarity between the OP's and the robot's name, makes me suspicious of the assertion that s/he "found" the robot. But maybe I'm just too cynical.

edit..... 298s?.... welcome to the 21st century, RiQ.