i am using this sensor to make self balancing robot.At first i have soldered the header(only to vcc,gnd,scl,sda ) on the imu borad at the opposite side where there is no component mounted.then connecting it to arduino uno r3(vcc to vcc 3.3v/5v,gnd to 1 of 3 gnd,scl to scl and sda to sda(first time at those next to AREF, second time A5,A4) ) i uploaded the sketch
then when i opened the serial monitor i got
Accelerometer Test
FF Ooops, no ADXL345 detected ... Check your wiring!
i thought may be i have soldered the header in wrong direction(as in picture and videos at internet,they are so) so i desolder(with solder iron,no other technique) the header,but there were still some solder around the hole which i could not remove.then while checking the continuity between pins with multimiter(in resistance mode) i found the resistance to be 20k(scl-sda),220k(scl-gnd),220k(sda-gnd),between vcc and 3 other pins multimieter shows 1(range 2000k). then i soldered it on opposit side(this time where other components are mounted).the serial monitor still shows same output,and so does the muiltimeter.so where is the problem? is it with soldering ?do i need to disolder the header again and clean left out solder(with Chip Quik type desoldering technique ) on the opposite side(no component mounted)?is there any hope that i won't need to buy it again?
picture of opposite side where no component is mounted and this is after desoldering and resoldering