problem about my code (ir sensor and dc motor)

I am using IR sensor for measure speed of motor(Hz) but it doesn't work about detection of sensor.
I try to detect my hand by pass sensor 1 time but in serial monitor show 1 or 2 or 3 times.

#define motorPin1      5                
#define motorPin2      6  
#define pd             2    // photodiode                              
#define senRead        0   
 int           limit = 800;  // theshold of value(read from sensor)
 int           val   =   0; 
 int           temp  =   0;
 unsigned long count =   0;
 unsigned long timer =   0; 
 void setup()    
  timer = millis()+1000; 

 void loop()  
  temp = val; 
  if(val<limit && temp>limit)        
    if(millis() >= timer)
    Serial.print("Hertz of motor = ");
    timer = millis()+1000;
    count = 0;


Your condition will never become true when the value will equal limit during transition from low to high.

You're better off with a digital sensor, so that you can compare
if (temp > val) or if (temp && !val).

Because the Arduino digital inputs have a hysteresis, you can connect an analogous sensor to an digital pin to obtain true transitions even from noisy signals. Provided that the sensor values exceed the threshold values of 30% and 70% of Vcc.

Your condition will never become true when the value will equal limit during transition from low to high.

You're better off with a digital sensor, so that you can compare
if (temp > val) or

if (temp && !val)


Because the Arduino digital inputs have a hysteresis, you can connect an analogous sensor to an digital pin to obtain true transitions even from noisy signals. Provided that the sensor values exceed the threshold values of 30% and 70% of Vcc.

Thank you very much . It's work!!!