Problem building a clinometer. Too many parts, too little Flash memory for short


For start I want to describe what I want to build for what purpose.

I need to build an inclinometer which can record data somehow, and have a visual feedback (aka display :D). It would measure an angle of some moving plate. Form factor should be small (Uno or Mini) the Mega is too big. The data what I want to record is runtime (0-10s most of the time), the angular acceleration, speed, and the angle. The sampling will be 10 Hz. There is no place for cables so I need to store the data locally. I would use an SD card for this. On the top of the tool I want to put a display what shows the actual value of XYZ (see specific type below). It would be great if it can be reseted/recalibrated for the starting position. I mean the moving plate starting position is 3° according to gravity but I can use it as a zero reference.

Parts I planning to use:
1 x Arduino UNO
1 x GY521 / MPU6050 (6DOF) accelerometer
1 x MicroSD modul (Standard SPI)
1 x 0.96in 128x64 OLED display, I2C (4 pin)

Now I think I can start describe my problem. I bought these parts and I start testing them one by one, to check what they do etc. I downloaded the libraries and sample codes for each. They works separately. Then I started to put things together and the problem is occured fast :smiley: When I use the SD card modul and display the memory disappers. I not connected the gyro module, but I put it in the code to see can I flash it or not. (As turns out I can't :D)
Here is the code which is not fit into the 32 Kbyte memory.

//oLED libs
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
//SD libs
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
//gyro libs
#include <MPU6050.h>


//for oLED
#define OLED_ADDR   0x3C // OLED display TWI address
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(-1);  // -1 = no reset pin // reset pin not used on 4-pin OLED module
#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 64) // 128 x 64 pixel display
#error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!");

//for SD
File myFile;
int pinCS = 10;

//for gyro
unsigned long timer = 0;
unsigned long timer2 = 0;
float timeStep = 0.01;
float pitch = 0;
float roll = 0;
float yaw = 0;

void setup() {

  pinMode(pinCS, OUTPUT);

//oLED init-------------------------------------------------------------
  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, OLED_ADDR);
  display.print("Display OK...");

//SD card init----------------------------------------------------------  
  if (SD.begin())
    Serial.println("SD card is ready to use.");
  } else
    Serial.println("SD card initialization failed");
   display.print("SD Card OK...");

void loop() {
//The cake is a lie!

What should I do?
I did not even start to write the actual datalogger code. I think the libraries takes that much place from the memory.

Is it possible or not that using the 3 module on one Arduino?

I think over the project and got an idea to use Bluetooth module and a gyro on one UNO board, put it on the measurable moving plate. While I create an other device with Bluetooth & display & SD logger module. Then this device can be the larger Mega. Can the HC-05 bluetooth modul transfer the 10Hz data fast enough? Not least this alternative build is more expensive.

Thank you for your help!
If you have any more question I gladly answer it.

if you require more flash in a small form factor perhaps you should look into Teensy by PJRC. The Teensy 3.5, for instance, has 512 K of flash, 256 K of ram, runs at 120 MHz, and is programmed with Arduino IDE. It runs on 3.3 V but all digital I/O is 5 Volt tolerant. There are many more features and the cost is around $25 US.

Or use an ESP8266 - 4 MB of Flash, up to 3 MB of which can be used as local file system. Should last long for 10 Hz sampling. No need for external SD cards, just send the data over the built-in WiFi to your ftp server. The WeMOS Mini is really small, too.

The problem is that I can not use Wifi device (due to company rules etc) :frowning:

Teensy 3.5 is a honorable mention, thank you. As I understand I can use the standard Arduino codes (for example the one above)? I never used other boards before :slight_smile:

Any other idea? Are there any reduced or minimal drivers? I think GFX library contains many unnecessary things. I just need letters and numbers not triangles or other forms.

If you visit the Teensy website I think it will answer your questions. Paul S., the developer of Teensy, is a regular contributor to this forum as well as his own.