I've been trying for a week to burn bootloader on my board, but It 's doesn't work.
I installed minicore library (for ATMEGA328PB). As programmer I used Arduino as ISP and USBtinyISP but I recive always:
Error Device signature = 0x00ffff
I checked the connections but they seem right to me. I used ISP connector. I bought micro on Digikey.
I couldn't say what exactly is causing that error, but I can point out a few serious defects in the schematic:
You are missing the 0.1uF ceramic decoupling capacitors. You need one per Vcc pin or AVcc pin, located as close to the chip as possible. Without it, the chip may fail to function or reset unexpectedly. These are not optional.
Do not tie AREF to ground. It should have a 0.1uF decoupling capacitor to ground and nothing else, unless you are using an external decoupling capacitor.
Is the SCK frequency in spec? Some programmers will default to a an SCK speed too fast for a virgin 1 MHz part.
Thanks for reply. I will try add 0.1uF ceramic decoupling capacitors on Vcc, AVcc and AREF.
About frequency, the target has a 8Mhz resonator. As programmer I can to use Arduino as ISp or USBtiny.