When compiling any program containing the library IRremote (#include <IRremote.h>) I get the following error message
IR_program_1.cpp.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0':
/usr/share/arduino-1.0.5/IR_program_1.ino:5: undefined reference to `IRrecv::IRrecv(int)'
IR_program_1.cpp.o: In function `loop':
/usr/share/arduino-1.0.5/IR_program_1.ino:16: undefined reference to `IRrecv::decode(decode_results*)'
/usr/share/arduino-1.0.5/IR_program_1.ino:18: undefined reference to `IRrecv::resume()'
IR_program_1.cpp.o: In function `setup':
/usr/share/arduino-1.0.5/IR_program_1.ino:12: undefined reference to `IRrecv::enableIRIn()'
I downloaded the library and I placed it under the folder '~/Programas/arduino-1.0.5/libraries'.
In the IDE, if I select 'Sketch -> Import Library...', IRremote appears under 'Contributed', so that looks ok
But if I select 'Sketch -> Add File...' and I navigate to the folder '~/Programas/arduino-1.0.5/libraries', the folder 'IRremote' does not appears (but the folder is there).
I have check the permissions of the IRremote folder and its files to be the same as other libraries, but still does not work.
Only to say that every time I compile a program I get a warning message
ld: warning: -z relro ignored.
I do not know if this warning message is important, but other work ok even with the warning message.
Can someone help me with this problem?