Problem connecting arduino to PCA9685 servo driver

I got a PCA9685 servo driver which doesn't look like the actual PCA9685(but it is). I am confused with the voltage input and ground connections. In the actual board(as shown here)

, I am unable to understand what is Vcc, V+ or the V where we connect the external source. Also in the as shown in the link, there are two grounds used to connect the PCA9685 but the driver I got has only one ground, is it a common ground?
However, I did experiment:
When I connect an external source(5-6V) to the one written as 5-6 Vdc, I found the driver to be switched on(as the LED glows) but when I connected the 5volts source in Arduino to the driver(the one below the ground with screw in it), I found the LED attached to the driver to blink(which makes me feel something is
I tried running with a servo but didn't work.
Kindly help if possible.
Here is the link to the photos: photo_of_my_pca9685

What you have is the Pi Hat version of the board. This is intended for use with a Raspberry Pi.

Documentation for the Hat is here: ... i/overview

Power connections are documented on this page: ... ing-servos
my bad