Problem controlling ILI9341 display with STM32F103VC

I have designed and made my own board based on the STM32F103VC MCU. I have managed to program it through serial and the Arduino IDE to flash the backlight on and off. It has an ILI9341 based display connected to HW SPI2 of the STM32, as a nRF905 is connected to HW SPI1, and an SD card is on HW SPI3. I have used the following Arduino code to try and control the display:

#include <Adafruit_ILI9341_STM.h>

Adafruit_ILI9341_STM tft(PB12, PB11, PB10); // CS, DC, RST

void setup()
  pinMode(PB7, OUTPUT); // output to control backlight
  pinMode(PC7, OUTPUT); // output to control power to RF IC and TFT
  digitalWrite(PB7, LOW); // enable backlight mosfet
  digitalWrite(PC7, LOW); // enable power to TFT and nRF905 IC

  static SPIClass _spi(2);

void loop(){
  tft.println("Hello 1");
  tft.println("Hello 2");

This just flickers the display every now and then, probably when it tries writing to it. Are my pin assignments correct, and have I selected the SPI interface correctly?
According to the datasheet the interface select pins should be set like this to enable 4 wire 8 bit mode for the display's operation:
IM0: floating or 0
IM1: 2.8V or 1
IM2: 2.8V or 1
IM3: 2.8V or 1
Display module datasheet:
I have attached the schematic of how it is connected to the MCU.
Could the SPI speed be too high? Could it be a power issue? The power rail is at 2.69V.

Kids these days....

Straight to PCB manufacturing even before working breadboard prototype...
Also, You need help but You did not provide MCU data sheet – are You really so spoiled that You expect people to find it themselves and troubleshoot it for You?
Buy cheap 24Mhz 8 channel logic analyzer, probe it, post screenshot and You get help.
We are not wizards – "just flickers the display every now and then" tells nothing.
Also 2.69V is a bit too low, it should be @3.3V– it's most likely too weak to power everything.
BTW, thanks for posting ENTIRE schematics.

It turns out that the STM32F103VC was producing the correct 4-wire 8-bit SPI signals (I examined these with a 4Ch oscilloscope), but the ILI9341 could not determine what interface mode it should use. The reason being that one of the interface select pins, IM0 was left floating where it should have been connected to ground. I assumed that the four interface configuration pins IM0, IM1, IM2, IM3 had internal pull-down resistors. I assumed this, because in this schematic of a breakout board which uses the exact same display, these pins have no external pull-down resistors, or jumper pads to connect these pins to ground. It is now working like a charm, every time it is powered up.