Problem display

Hello everyone,

I want to build a tachometer for measuring the rotational speed of small-scale turbines that I will build. I bought an Arduino Mega 2560, a 5'' TFT Display with SSD1963 controller board and an IR sensor MH Sensor series.

Firstly, I have programmed the micro-controller without display and turbines that measuring the rotational speed with the IR sensor.
Now I am programming the display (the home screen is finished and the rpm appear correctly), however I have a problem since I began the touch screen part. I would like to create 4 buttons ( one for my 3 different turbines + 1 reset button). My objective is to be able to save the rpm max for each turbine and to be able to reset.
The most strange is that the program upload with no problem, I see the screen turn on 1s and turn off.
Someone can help me?

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>  // To include the file.c
#include <UTFT.h>          // Display informations
#include <TimerOne.h>      // Timer one run the periodic interrupt function
#include <UTouch.h>        // Touch screen

// Declare which fonts we will be using

extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t BigFont[];
extern uint8_t SevenSegNumFont[];
//extern uint8_t Calibri32x64GR[24324];

// Declare the bitmap 

//extern unsigned short rsz_coerarduinocrop[13872];

// Creating objects

UTFT myGLCD(SSD1963_480272, 38, 39, 40, 41); //(Model, Pin for Register Select (RS), Pin for Write (WR), Pin for Chip Select (CS), Pin for Reset (RST), int SER)
UTouch myTouch (15, 10, 14, 9, 8);           // UTouch myTouch ( Pin for Touch Clock, Pin for Touch Chip Select, Pin for Touch Data input, Pin for Touch Data output, Pin for Touch IRQ )

// Defining variables

int x, y;
char currentPage;
const int IRSensorPin = 2;       
const int ledPin = 13;           
int ledState = HIGH;              
int inputState;                  
int lastInputState = LOW;         
long lastDebounceTime = 0;        
long debounceDelay = 5;           
long time;
long endTime;
long startTime;
int RPM = 0;
float lnTime = 0;
int rpm_max = 0;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

void drawHomeScreen() {

myGLCD.fillScr(0, 167, 255);

//Startup text on display
myGLCD.setBackColor(120, 60, 180);                 
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);                    
myGLCD.print("RPM", RIGHT, 110);
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
myGLCD.print("HIGHEST", LEFT, 230);

// Button - Turbine 1
myGLCD.setColor(16, 167, 103);              
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (10, 290, 76, 330);   
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);             
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (10, 290, 76, 330);    
myGLCD.setBackColor(16, 167, 103);          
myGLCD.print("T1", 30, 310);               

// Button - Turbine 2
myGLCD.setColor(16, 167, 103);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (96, 290, 162, 330);
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (96, 290, 162, 330);
myGLCD.setBackColor(16, 167, 103);
myGLCD.print("T2", 116, 310);

// Button - Turbine 3
myGLCD.setColor(16, 167, 103);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (182, 290, 250, 330);
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (182, 290, 250, 330);
myGLCD.setBackColor(16, 167, 103);
myGLCD.print("T3", 202, 310);

// Button - RESET
myGLCD.setColor(16, 103, 167);
myGLCD.fillRoundRect (40, 380, 218, 430);
myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
myGLCD.drawRoundRect (40, 380, 218, 430);
myGLCD.setBackColor(16, 103, 167);
myGLCD.print("RESET", 90, 405);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

void timerIsr()

// Print RPM every second, RPM based on timer
time = millis() / 1000;
Serial.print(" RPM: ");
Serial.print(" rpm_max: ");
myGLCD.printNumI(RPM, LEFT, 110, 3);
myGLCD.printNumI(rpm_max, RIGHT, 230, 3);

RPM = 0;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

void calculateRPM() {
startTime = lastDebounceTime;
lnTime = startTime - endTime;
RPM = 60000 / (startTime - endTime);
endTime = startTime;


// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Highlights the button when pressed

void drawFrame(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
  myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0);
  myGLCD.drawRoundRect (x1, y1, x2, y2);
  while (myTouch.dataAvailable());
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.drawRoundRect (x1, y1, x2, y2);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------

void setup() {

// Setup the LCD

//Defining Pin Modes and set Serial port ON
pinMode(IRSensorPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);

// Home screen
drawHomeScreen();  // Draws the Home Screen

//Initialize TimerOne
endTime = 0;
Timer1.initialize(1000000);        // Set the timer to 60 rpm, 1,000,000 microseconds (1 second)
Timer1.attachInterrupt(timerIsr);  // Attach the service routine here

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

void loop(void) {

//Home screen

if (currentPage == '0') {
  if (myTouch.dataAvailable()) {; 
// If we press the T1 Button 
if ((x>=10) && (x<=76) && (y>=290) && (y<=330)) {
  drawFrame(10, 290, 76, 330); // Custom Function -Highlighs the buttons when it's pressed
  currentPage = '1'; 
//T1(); // It is called only once, because in the next iteration of the loop, this above if statement will be false so this funtion won't be called. This function will draw the graphics of T1.
// If we press the T2 Button
if ((x>=96) && (x<=162) && (y>=290) && (y<=330)) {
 drawFrame(96, 290, 162, 330); 
 currentPage = '2';
// If we press the T3 Button 
if ((x>=182) && (x<=250) && (y>=290) && (y<=330)) {
  drawFrame(182, 290, 250, 330); 
  currentPage = '3'; 
// If we press the RESET Button
if ((x>=40) && (x<=218) && (y>=380) && (y<=430)) {
  drawFrame(40, 380, 218, 430); 
  currentPage = '4'; 

// draw the image to the screen
//myGLCD.drawBitmap(0, 0, 204, 68, rsz_coerarduinocrop);
// RPM counter
time = millis();
int currentSwitchState = digitalRead(IRSensorPin);

if (currentSwitchState != lastInputState) {   // if the currentSwitch is HIGH we count the time
  lastDebounceTime = millis();

if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {   // If the time the program starts less the elapsed time since the currentswitchState change > Debounce delay (5ms)
  if (currentSwitchState != inputState) {              // + if the currentSwitchState is different than the input state DO input state = currentSwitchState
    inputState = currentSwitchState;                   // + if the input state is low DO led 13 on + calculate RPM + toggle LedState HIGH to LOW
    if (inputState == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
      calculateRPM(); // Real RPM from sensor
      ledState = !ledState;
    else {                                             // else the pin13 turn on
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
lastInputState = currentSwitchState;

// RPM max

if (RPM>rpm_max) {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------

Nobody has an idea?

So it first worked, you added stuff and it stopped working?

If so, go back to the point it worked and show us what you added that broke it.

Nobody has an idea?

Not in a hurry. :roll_eyes:

You should at least let the Earth go round once before you bump, so all the timezones get a chance to look at the thread.

Thanks for your answers,

I try the examples in the library and I understood that my display is no touch, the touch was optional and I have not seen that when I order it.
I will try with push buttons.

Sorry for the disturbing.

  1. Post a link to the actual display that you have bought.
  2. Post a link to the actual Adapter Shield you have bought.

From the URTouch calibration example:

// Initialize touchscreen
// ----------------------
// Set the pins to the correct ones for your development board
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Standard Arduino Uno/2009 Shield            : 15,10,14, 9, 8
// Standard Arduino Mega/Due shield            :  6, 5, 4, 3, 2
// CTE TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due       :  6, 5, 4, 3, 2
// Teensy 3.x TFT Test Board                   : 26,31,27,28,29
// ElecHouse TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due : 25,26,27,29,30

SSD1963 is 16-bit TFT. There is no way that you can run it with a Uno.

The common 40-pin Adapter shields use 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Always run every library example before you ever dream of writing your own sketch.
e.g. UTFT examples to test SSD1963
e.g. URTouch examples to test Touch


Always run every library example before you ever dream of writing your own sketch.

Sound advice, in general.

When I bought some nRF24s a while back, I knew of Robin2's tutorials and examples before I hooked them up. But still, and in spite of knowing Robin2's reputation and being sure his sketches would work, I ran the library's examples first. Just one less thing to worry about if I had had a problem with Robin2's code (which I didn't of course :wink: )

It gives you confidence that your hardware is working correctly.
It shows you what library methods are available and how to use them.

If you have a problem readers can run the standard example to replicate your sketch.
