I am new to this forum and I am experiencing problems navigating around this forum. I don't seem to be able to find a search mechanism by which to try and locate relevant posts.
To my utter embarressment, I have to admit I struggle to find my own post!
And then I am amazed at how quickly forum members responded to my post?? How did they even know I had posted it? There are over 4000 topics posted in that category.
So if someone could kindly direct me to where I can learn to more effectively find my way around this forum, I would be most grateful.
When I view a Forum section the Topics are ordered from the newest to the oldest so any new question will be near the top. That's almost certainly how your question got noticed.
IMHO the best way to find something is with a DDG or Google search with site:arduino.cc added to the search term.
I always bookmark any Topics (Threads) that I create so I can find them easily. I also bookmark other stuff that I reckon might be useful in the future - for example, to recommend to others.
I don't seem to be able to find a search mechanism by which to try and locate relevant posts.
If you click the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the forum website, it will do a Google search for your query, but with site:forum.arduino.cc added to restrict the search only to the Arduino Forum.
To my utter embarressment, I have to admit I struggle to find my own post!
Here's how you can find your previous posts:
Hover the mouse pointer over your avatar in the top right corner of any arduino.cc page.
Click "Profile".
Click "Forum Settings > Edit".
Click "Show Posts".
And then I am amazed at how quickly forum members responded to my post?? How did they even know I had posted it? There are over 4000 topics posted in that category.
I have configured the forum to send me an email any time there is a new post in any forum section. However, I think most people just browse the forum to see the most recently updated posts, as noted by Robin2.
there is an Alerts link under the top frame on this page. in the pop-up it opens, in All alerts you can see alerts configured over Settings. and there is a Profile info link too. there you can find your own posts